Page 33 - WMPF Federation DEC 2019-flip_Neat
P. 33

FREE Independent Mortgage Advice

 We hold Mortgage Advice Days at the following locations:  Supporting you

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 Lloyd House, Perry Barr, Sheldon, Stechford
 West Bromwich and Wolverhampton
          Thank you                                                                    THANK

 As part of our commitment to your Federation, we o�fer appointments to suit you  thank

 For further information, contact the Federation O�fice on:  WARREN & CO                    YOU
 0121 752 4900  THANKyou

 Contact Warren & Co to find out dates for each location on:                  Thank
 01452 547783 or
 ______________________________  WWW.WARRENIFA.CO.UK  THANK  thank       thank
 .                             Thank you
 Warren & Co are a Member Service, therefore there will be no charge for administering your mortgage

 Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. Think carefully before securing other debts against your home  Our Federation reps and officials are keen   noon or night, and I became needy and   I wanted to write formally to place on
         to offer help, advice and support to all   emotional (which is not like me).  record my gratitude and also to
         members.                              George often talked me down when I   highlight the performance of George
           It is always satisfying to find out that   went off the scale of potential outcomes,   McDonnell in assisting me over the last
         they have been able to make a difference.   George was open, honest and upfront all the   three years.
         Here are some messages of thanks we   time and I genuinely feel at times I would not      Without regurgitating the details, I
         have received in recent months.    have survived the horrendous process   was subject of a bogus internal
                                            altogether.                         complaint that revealed significant
         In November 2018 I was served misconduct      We, as police officers, are very quick to   cultural and behavioural issues from
         forms (for which I am not proud) which   scowl and criticise when things go wrong and   within West Midlands Police in late
         culminated in me attending a four-day   so I felt it was pertinent to express the first   2016.
         conduct hearing. The sanction awarded was a   class service I received from George as a Fed      Not only did George support me
         final written warning.             rep, a police officer but, most importantly, a   through this process, but he also kept
            After what I can only describe as 11 and a   human being.           with me during the aftermath which has
         half months of hell, I am now out the other      I have expressed to George that in the   resulted in the Force paying a settlement
         side and starting to move on, rebuilding both   future if I can help in any way with policing   of compensation. It required tenacity,
         my personal and professional life.  matters then please use me as a point of   patience and the capacity to understand
            The investigation itself was sensitive from   contact (I appreciate there are **WITHHELD**   the complexities of the case, as well as
         the off, as it involved other officers. Due to the   Fed reps for this…) there is also the fact if ever   the courage to be resolute to resist the
         nature of the allegations I had little confidence  the opportunity arose to poach George for   power of the organisation. Yet, in
         in my Police Federation branch and so I turned   **WITHHELD** Police Federation, I would be   addition to this, George also showed
         to another branch for support. My interview   front of the queue.      basic kindness and attentiveness.
         was listed for January 2019 and unfortunately      George, you are not only a life-saver,  you      While such effusive praise may seem
         my Fed rep was taken ill and I was left in dire   kept the state of my mental health intact.   overstated, it is not. The salient reason
         straits.  My then Fed rep offered an alternative   You are an asset to West Midlands Police.  for this is that George did so in a quiet
         **WITHHELD* or George McDonnell from West     Thank you.               but stoic manner. He treated the case,
         Midlands Police Federation.        From a Federation member from another   which was complex, as a learning
            I opted for George.  I cold-called George a   force, details witheld.  experience and it is this open-
         week prior to interview, in what I can only                            mindedness that drove the momentum
         describe as a ‘heightened frenzy’.  I was in   On hearing the Federation has donated   towards a successful conclusion. I hope
         sheer panic mode as I was in genuine fear of   £2,500 to the fund-raising appeal for the   he can take this forward in the case of
         losing my job;  a job I had been 100 per cent   Motor Neurone Disease Association and   other events. I also hope you can
         committed to since 2001.           Primrose Hospice in support of ACC Chris   continue to use the lessons of what has
            From the offset, George kept me grounded,  Johnson:                 endured from this along with him to
         listened to me and calmed me down, which   Wow!!!  You have surpassed all of our   represent your members in a way which
         was no mean feat.  I was hysterical and very   expectations. Thank you all so much.  does not allow the shortcomings of
         emotional.                         DS Trudy Gittins, who is co-ordinating more   WMP to overrule the virtues and values
            Throughout the whole episode, I wanted   than 300 runners who are taking part in the   we all had when we joined.
         to use the word ‘journey’ but it was more of a   Liverpool Rock n Roll Marathon events next      Please pass on once more my
         trauma than a journey, George was remarkable  May.                     gratitude to George, a real asset to the
         and prodigious.  George was on the phone,      The Federation is also giving all runners a   Federation.
         text or email whenever I needed him, morning,  specially designed water bottle for the event.   Federation member, details withheld.

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