Page 12 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov2017 Final_Neat
P. 12

West Midlands                                                             own budgets.

                                                                                    “Officers do not want to let the public
                                                                                 down but they are feeling the strain; their
                                                                                 mental and physical health is suffering as
       morale among                                                              they try to do more with less and at the same
                                                                                 time they feel undervalued by the
                                                                                 Government which, while voicing support for
                                                                                 the police in the wake of major incidents, has
       lowest in country                                                         generally failed to get behind the police

                                                                                    The Force also featured in the top five
                                                                                 when respondents were asked if they would
                                                                                 recommend joining the police to others
                                                                                 – with 74.9 per cent saying they wouldn’t.
                                                                                 And over three quarters (77.5 per cent) say
                                                                                 they did not feel valued in the police service.
                                                                                 This compares to a national average of 68 per
                                                                                 cent of respondents who said they did not
                                                                                 feel valued.
                                                                                    Another concerning area was fairness
                                                                                 – with just 27.3 per cent of respondents from
                                                                                 West Midlands Police agreeing that they
                                                                                 were treated fairly and 37.4 per cent saying
                                                                                 they are not. This ranks the Force fourth out
                                                                                 of 43 forces for this indicator; there are 39
                                                                                 forces with a smaller proportion of
                                                                                 respondents who do not feel fairly treated.
                                                                                    A majority of 53.6 per cent said that
                                                                                 decisions that affected them were not
                                                                                 usually made in a fair way – leaving the Force
                                                                                 in second place nationwide.
                                                                                    And 43 per cent said that the people they
                                                                                 worked with were not fairly treated,
            he morale of officers at West Midlands   years ago.                  compared to 24.4 per cent who said they
            Police is among the worst in the      And an overwhelming majority (88 per   were.
       Tcountry - according to the findings of   cent) of respondents said they do not feel      The survey also highlighted a four per
       a pay and morale survey.             they are paid fairly for the stresses and   cent increase in the number of officers who
          Two thirds (66.3 per cent) of respondents   strains of their job -  ranking the Force 10th.   are intending to leave the service.
       from the Force said they were suffering from   Furthermore, 75.6 per cent said they are      This year, 13.8 per cent of those who took
       low personal morale – putting the Force in   dissatisfied with their overall remuneration   part in the survey said they intended to leave
       the top three. And 96 per cent said Force   (including basic pay and allowances) and 66   within two years – compared to 9.8 per cent
       morale was low. This puts the Force fifth in   per cent said they are dissatisfied with their   in 2016. And, a further 20.6 per cent said they
       this category – with 38 forces with a smaller   pensions, ranking the Force seventh and   currently do not know what their intentions
       proportion of respondents who feel that   eighth respectively in these two categories.  are with regards to staying in or leaving the
       morale within their force is low.       Steve Grange, secretary of West Midlands   police.
          The survey is carried out nationwide   Police Federation, said the results of the      Reasons for intending to leave include:
       annually by the Police Federation of England   survey were of major concern but did not   l  Personal morale – 85.2 per cent
       and Wales.                           really come as a surprise.           l  How the police as a whole are treated
          Reasons given for low morale by West      “We have been saying for some time that   – 73.4 per cent
       Midlands Police Federation members were:  police officers are feeling demoralised,” Steve   l  The impact of the job on health and
       l  How the police are treated as a whole,   explains, “The cuts to Force budgets have   wellbeing – 67.2 per cent.
          90.4 per cent                     meant officer numbers have been severely      A total of 1,082 responses were received
       l  Pay and benefits, including pension, 74.1   hit. We have lost 2,000 officers in the last   from West Midlands officers, representing a
          per cent                          seven years. With fewer officers to go around,   response rate of around 16 per cent, the
       l  Health and wellbeing, 66.9 per cent  we are finding that our members are run   national response rate for the survey, which
       l  Work-life balance, 64.7 per cent  ragged as they try to do the job they joined   is carried out annually and is used as
       l  Opportunities for development and   to do – fighting crime, keeping the peace and   evidence in the Federation’s submission to
          promotion, 62.6 per cent          protecting our communities.          the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB),
       l  Workload and responsibilities, 57.7 per      “Despite a fall in our numbers, we have   was 25 per cent.
          cent                              seen no corresponding decline in demand for      “While the response rate is quite low, I
       l  Treatment by senior managers, 56.2 per   our help – in fact we have seen the opposite.   think that the results do represent the views
          cent                              As well as trying to tackle traditional crimes,   of the majority of our members,” says Steve,
       l  Day to day job role, 50.2 per cent.  we are trying to rise to the challenge of   “Sadly, I think officers are feeling so
          The survey results revealed that 72 per   newer offences and a surge in cyber-crime   disheartened and demoralised that they are
       cent of West Midlands officers felt their   while responding to the ongoing threat of   not even filling out these surveys because
       workload had increased in the last year,   terrorism. As the service of first and last   they do not feel that their views will be taken
       with 63.5 per cent saying their workload   resort, we never say no and find ourselves   into account.”
       was too high. Almost 74 per cent said they   picking up the pieces when other agencies
       were worse off financially compared to five   are unable to respond due to cuts to their

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