Page 13 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov2017 Final_Neat
P. 13

Custody seen as

      “punishment posting”

             lmost a fifth of custody officers want      “For all those reasons, the survey results   that detainees are kept safe,” he said.
             to be redeployed away from    are not surprising, given the immense      The Federation’s annual pay and morale
       Adetention duties as soon as possible,   challenges faced by those working in the   survey included custody-specific questions
       according to the results of the Police   custody arena. More than 60 per cent of   for the first time.
       Federation’s pay and morale survey.  custody officers said they had low personal      Other results from the survey included:
          With 18.9 per cent of those working in   morale and this is coupled with a shortage   l  62 per cent of custody officers said that
       custody saying they want to move to a   of training – we know of at least one force   their workload had increased in the last
       different post, nearly three quarters (73.1   which has had no refresher custody training   12 months
       per cent) of officers not currently in the role   for five years.”       l  11 per cent of custody officers intend to
       say they would never want to work in      He also explained that the number of   leave the police within the next two
       custody.                            applications to be a custody sergeant are   years.
          The survey results back up the long-held   also dropping.                Andy spoke out on the eve of the
       view that custody is still perceived as a      “It is not surprising that there is a   Federation’s national custody seminar which
       “punishment posting” by many, according to   reluctance to work within custody when,   was held in Warwick in September and
       the Police Federation of England and Wales   despite the specialist nature of the role,    included discussions on deaths and serious
       (PFEW). By comparison, less than two per   investment in the training and development   incidents in custody, mental health policing
       cent of firearms officers want to switch jobs.  of custody staff is inadequate. When there   issues and unlawful detentions, as well as
          Andy Ward, the Federation’s deputy   are organisational failures, all too often   the full impact of the new pre-charge police
       general secretary and custody lead,   custody personnel are blamed whereas what   bail provisions and the restructure and
       explained: “Custody is one of the most   is needed is a corporate and holistic   reform of the Independent Police Complaints
       challenging areas of policing with   approach, bringing together all relevant   Commission (IPCC).
       potentially serious ramifications if anything   agencies and proper resources to ensure
       goes wrong. The responsibility is enormous
       in trying to look after detainees’ rights and   When there are organisational failures,
       welfare as well as managing complex risks
       to ensure their safety and security.  “         all too often custody personnel are
          “There are also additional risks where
       those being detained are vulnerable, for        blamed whereas what is needed is a
       instance through alcohol or drug
       impairment or dependency, or where              corporate and holistic approach, bringing
       suffering with mental ill-health. We have
       said repeatedly that police cells are not the   together all relevant agencies and proper
       right place for those with mental health        resources to ensure that detainees are
       issues, but budget cuts across the NHS and
       local authorities still mean that too often     kept safe.
       the police service has to step in when                                     “
       individuals are in crisis and need a place of
       safety.                                         federation October/November 2017     13
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