Page 11 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov2017 Final_Neat
P. 11
“You are a valued
member of the team”
Assistant Chief Constable Sarah Boycott responds to the officer’s letter
Dear Colleague, funding that helps us meet the expectations not the long-term answer and that is a view
Reading your letter was deeply moving on and challenges and our Chief is leading on this that is shared by the wider chief officer team.
so many levels and I want to thank you for nationally. Despite the best efforts nationally to I’m really disappointed to hear every time
sharing such a personal account of your respond to demand challenges, I can’t say I’m you have experienced change you feel it has not
experiences. optimistic that this is set to change anytime been explained or you have not been able to
As a Force, we really value your dedication soon. have a say. We need to involve people better in
and commitment and, in some ways, this Increases in calls from the public have been change, explaining better the rationale for the
makes it even more difficult to hear your exceptional this summer and we are yet to decisions made.
account of the support you have received as a experience a reduction in incidents from the We also need line managers and leaders to
member of the WMP team. situation a few weekends ago when we were at continually support their teams to work
I think we all agree that the nature of critical threat level. What has been amazing, through the competing priorities that exist in
policing is changing. Crime and public however, is the way departments have worked policing, to understand what works in what
expectations are changing, as too are societies together to not only respond to the calls from situations and where the incredible efforts of
and there are new technologies which provide the public but also to resolve issues in the way our officers, PCSOs and police staff are best
opportunities - as well as requirements - to we work. focused.
work differently. Yet we know that this level of heightened We have created a new department, People
Change therefore is inevitable - imperative intensity is unsustainable. and Organisational Development, to assist
even - as we constantly adapt our approach to We need to support colleagues like yourself leaders across our organisation to develop the
deliver our promises to the public. to understand the rationale behind our skills we need from them. We also have made a
As you know we’re under constant pressure decisions and encourage more open discussion significant investment in the wellbeing of our
to deliver more for less, and with limited and collaboration – making decisions with you, officers and staff – whether it be emotionally,
resources this is set to get even more not to you and respecting your contribution. physically, spiritually and mentally.
challenging. As lead for local policing, you will no doubt Improvements such as the BWell employee
As far as I can remember in my 25 years of expect me to make the next comment, but we support scheme is offering confidential advice
policing, this has often been the case. Our job need NPUs to be reducing crime and problem and counselling to colleagues 24 hours a day, 7
as senior leaders in policing is to make a strong solving repeat issues as well as activating days a week – this is accessible through the
“ I want you to know that you are not a and deliver our wellbeing strategy and we are
shared service portal on our intranet site. We
citizens to help. Continuing to merely react is
case to government for sustainable police
have also appointed a Wellbeing team to shape
starting to see some positive results.
number, you are a valued member of the
I want you to know that you are not a
number, you are a valued member of the team
and a person who has shown great strength
strength and resilience in articulating your
so clearly.
and resilience in articulating your experiences
I’m really keen to meet you to understand
experiences so clearly. how we can support you and help other officers
and staff who may share similar experiences to
team and a person who has shown great “ federation October/November 2017 11