Page 10 - WMPF Federation Dec2018-flip_Neat
P. 10

90 per cent of

       members feel

       there are not

       enough officers to

       cope with demand

                                                                                   He added: “Our minimum staffing is eight
                                                                                and we regularly parade six or below when
                                                                                the officers on free days are not in. Each has
             n ‘overwhelming number’ of     sergeant, said he hoped the survey could   about 20-30 ongoing investigations with a
             Federation members feel their   provide feedback to the Chief Constable on   further 30 new investigations landing each
       A workload is too high and that there   behalf of Federation members so that a risk   day. We are also responsible for any ‘duty’ jobs
       are not enough officers to cope with   assessment and suitable control measures   that come in,  stabbings, shootings, robberies
       demand.                              could be implemented to reduce the risk of   and so on - and all prisoners, excluding
          That is the finding of a stress survey   stress and burn-out.         domestic violence - arrested by response and
       conducted on behalf of the West Midlands      He said: “This is in the process of being put  other front-line departments.
       Police Federation Health and Safety   to the Health and Safety Committee – after      “The workload has increased
       Committee.                           approval from the committee the findings will  substantially. I believe that crime has risen by
          A total of 612 officers responded to the   be sent to the Force health and safety officer   about 20 per cent in some areas and the
       survey during October, including CID and   who will in turn discuss the findings with   team has dropped by 50 per cent. It is
       response constables and sergeants, and all   Chief Constable Dave Thompson.  unsustainable, officers report feeling
       inspectors.                             “We want what is best for our members, a  frustrated, fatigued and burnt out. they have
          It found that more than 80 per cent of   safe and healthy working environment.”  no investigation time and have to deal with
       those who responded said their workload      In previous meetings involving ACCs and   the highest risk matters which trump
       was too high or much too high.       the Federation’s health and safety   anything else.”
          The survey also revealed:         representatives, the Force has asked for      Steve highlights the provisions of health
       l  More than 90 per cent felt there were not   evidence to show that any issues raised exist.   and safety legislation:
          enough officers to cope with demand  So they are now hoping the survey results will   l  It shall be the duty of every employer to
       l  More than 60 per cent spent more than   lead to changes.                 ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
          half of their working week feeling      Steve explained: “We have approached the   the health, safety and welfare at work of
          stressed, and                     Force several times over the ‘refreshment   all his employees. s.2(1) Health and Safety
       l  30 per cent said they were stressed all of   breaks’ issue and, although there is an   at Work Act 1974
          the time.                         acknowledgement that there is a problem,   l  Welfare includes stress. (, 2018)
          Steve Green, the Force CID Federation   the chief officers cannot act on anecdotal   l  Employers have a legal duty to protect
       workplace representative and deputy chair of   evidence and require actual issues that we can   employees from stress at work by doing a
       the Health and Safety Committee, said: “The   document. Refreshment breaks are being   risk assessment and acting on it.
       findings of the survey are stark – an   looked into as a separate work-stream led by      (, 2018).
       overwhelming majority of officers are   the committee’s deputy secretary, Archie      He had originally produced a snapshot
       concerned about their workload, their stress   Murphy.                   survey, designed to find out members’ views
       levels and their ability to cope with demand.     “Several members raised workload and   on workload and stress. The original survey
          “This is unacceptable. Officers report   stress issues with me and Jason Durnall as we   only went to FCID constables, sergeants and
       feeling frustrated, fatigued and burnt out.   are two of the Force CID (FCID) Federation   all inspectors. However, other departments
       They have no investigation time to deal with   reps. The issues focused around lack of staff   asked to be included so it was extended to
       the highest risk matters, which come above   numbers and the increase in workload.  response constables and response sergeants.
       anything else.                          “Over the past two years, since the start of     “This was only ever designed to be a
          “It is a poor service to victims, who are   the 2020 Force restructure and change   snapshot. It is not, and was never intended to
       left going for weeks without any action on   programme, Force CID has lost staff to other   be, an extensive investigation into causes and
       their cases.”                        department or they have left the job,   effects. Its sole purpose was to provide
          The report found that the causes of   transferred forces or gone to ROCU or CTU.”  feedback to the chief officers on behalf of the
       stress differed depending on the role. For      Steve cites the example that at TS1, which  members so that a risk assessment could be
       example, the main stress causes for response   went live in November 2016, he had a team of  revised and suitable control measures
       constables was a lack of breaks and finishing   two sergeants and 21 officers including four   implemented to reduce the risk of stress and
       late, for investigation sergeants it was not   police staff investigators (PSI). For various   burn-out on these officers,” Steve concluded.
       enough staff and too many investigations   reasons, staff have been taken from or left the     The Federation’s Health and Safety
       while for inspectors it was competing   team leaving it with two sergeants and 10   Committee officials are:
       demands for resources and the management   constables (only one of whom is a qualified   Secretary - Deano Walker
       of risk within investigations.       PIP2 detective) and one PSI. From those 10,   Chair - Jason Durnall
          Steve, who has been with the Force for   one is long-term sick, two are restricted and   Deputy chair - Steve Green
       more than 22 years, that last 12 of which as a   three are flexi-workers.  Deputy secretary - Archie Murphy.
       10      federation December 2018/January 2019                    
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