Page 13 - WMPF Federation Dec2018-flip_Neat
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crime related, at the same time as coping
with fewer frontline staff. Forces are feeling ‘I want people’s diversity to
the pressure of ‘cost shunting’ as cuts to
other areas of public spending, such as
health, are passed onto policing because it is be accepted and embraced’
so often the first line of response.
“Policing by consent relies on public eggy public we do. I was hooked.
confidence and this is being severely dented. Lamont “Sometimes when I say the words
Despite the pressures facing forces, it is Psays she will ‘diversity and equality’ I can see people’s eyes
disappointing that the budget did not draw on her own glaze over. I want to change that.
address the financial sustainability of police experiences as she “I am not about ranting and raving. I am
forces, particularly in relation to works to make the about enabling positive change which will
neighbourhood policing which has borne the Police Federation hopefully help in combatting and eradicating
brunt of cuts.” of England and inequality where it exists within our
It adds that forces cannot do everything Wales (PFEW) organisation.
and are prioritising their work by cutting more diverse and “And please don’t think I am a ‘suit’
back in some areas, such as neighbourhood representative in issuing decrees from a corner office in ‘HQ
policing, meaning fewer officers on the street her new position Towers’. I am a police officer first and
but concludes public confidence in the police as the national equality lead. foremost. And I have experienced my fair
is declining and officers’ personal resilience is Peggy, a West Midlands Police share of inequality in my 17-year career. I
under pressure with this reduction in Federation representative, has pledged know what it is like.”
visibility. to focus on the people within the police Peggy was the first female secretary of
Public Accounts Committee chair Meg ‘rather than the percentages’. the former West Midlands Police Federation
Hillier MP says: “The ‘thin blue line’ is wearing And, writing in her first blog on the Constables’ Branch Board, and was its
thinner with potentially dire consequences national Federation website, Peggy says she last-ever secretary after the individual rank
for public safety. Public confidence and trust will be inspired by her own life experiences boards were abolished in the post-review
that the police will respond is breaking down. in driving changes for officers and accessing restructure of the Federation.
“Funding reductions of nearly a fifth have the support they need at work. She joins 23 other representatives from
placed severe strain on police forces, which “I appreciate deeply that every officer across England and Wales as part of the first
have in turn been forced to cut back. The brings with them all their life experience Police Federation National Board, which is
results are stark.” – good and bad,” she said, “I have a designed to lead and run the Federation and
She continues: “This cannot continue. disability – a mental health condition – to make policy decisions.
Government must show leadership and get which sometimes affects my ability to do And she said that she wanted to
on with fixing the flaws at the heart of its my job. celebrate the diversity of every one of the
approach to policing. “It doesn’t mean I’m not a good police 122,404 police officers in England and Wales.
“In particular, the Home Office must officer. It just means that every now and “That’s 122,404 individual people all of
improve its understanding of the real-world then I need some extra support. And luckily whom have their own hopes, fears, dreams
demands on police, and use this information I have a boss and colleagues who and anxieties,” she said. “Each one has people
to inform its bid for funding from the understand that. they love, and people who love them.
Treasury. And when it secures that funding, it “I want this to be the norm for police “They all occasionally worry they have
must distribute it effectively. officers, I want people’s diversity to be left the iron on or that they didn’t lock the
“It is wholly unacceptable that, more acknowledged, accepted and embraced.” front door. And they all happen to be police
than three years after accepting the police Peggy joined the Force in 2001 and officers.
funding formula needs to change, the Home started her career on the old response team “In the past, one of the defining
Office has no firm plans to do it. at Chelmsley Wood. She moved to the rural characteristics of policing has been
“If it is to convince police and the public section on a neighbourhood team and uniformity – literally for those on the
that it is serious about addressing their then, following the birth of her children, front-line. But although officers may look the
concerns then it should set out a plan as moved into the Contact Centre. same outside – inside they are unique
swiftly as possible. Eventually she became a workplace human beings and that must never be
“The messages from communities and representative for the Federation to help forgotten.
police forces across the UK are clear. The colleagues and to get involved in wider “For me this is what equality is all about.
Government must act now.” policing decisions. It’s not about targets or graphs or
Police Federation chair John Apter has “When I became a Federation rep I percentages. It’s about making sure that
labelled the Government’s failings in relation expected to be dealing with conduct and everyone is afforded a fair chance and an
to policing a ‘national scandal’. performance but I ended up working more equal opportunity.”
He said: “This report is the latest in a long in health and safety and in dealing with Peggy added: “I try to lead by example
series of huge red flags for the Government. equality issues,” she said. and I hope others will follow. That is the
This is now a critical situation and a national “That’s what opened my eyes to the main reason why I became equality lead for
scandal. And they can’t say they weren’t huge amount of great work that the the Police Federation. To help lead and
warned. Federation does in this area. implement positive change throughout the
“Dedicated police officers are at breaking “Most of it goes on quietly and unsung Federation and the service as a whole.
point and are overwhelmed by the ever- but is nonetheless vital in ensuring that our “And to ensure that everyone remembers
increasing demands being heaped on them members and the organisation are able to that, we may all be police officers but we are
as a result of eight years of austerity.” keep providing the great service to the individuals first and foremost.” federation December 2018/January 2019 13