Page 8 - WMPF Federation Dec2018-flip_Neat
P. 8
Protect the Protectors
‘We will get law changed
to protect police drivers’
disappointment, we have to take stock of and actively encouraged are examples of
where we have come from and what has how we train cops to then encourage them
been achieved over the past two years. It’s to deviate from the current legislation. If it’s
certainly not all bad,” said Tim. necessary to use these tactics then it’s
“Our focus was, and always will be, to essential for the law to recognise this,
get the current legislative flaw remedied to currently it does not.
ensure that our stretched professionals can “I thought the timing for this media
do simply what society expects without the event was deliberate in coinciding with Sir
reserved right to prosecute them. Henry’s bill. Alas, none of the staff on offer to
“We train officers to do things that the media knew that a few hundred yards
members of the public can’t so they can down the road an MP was making attempts
serve their communities and protect people to legitimise their much lauded and
from harm. But currently by doing this very essential methods. A missed opportunity
thing, using the tools policing has given and a great shame as on Friday the
them, they break the law – under current Government once more objected to the bill.
traffic law where they are judged against “That said, it is not the end of the
the standard of the careful and competent commitment from the police minister to
driver – officers can, if the will dictates, be change the legislation in line with our
charged will a criminal offence for using a submission.”
trained tactic.” He added: “They still assure us that this
WMPF deputy secretary and national While frustrated at the delay with the ridiculous aberration will be fixed and have
response driving lead Tim Rogers. bill, which would make legal exceptions for asked to take control of the Private
police pursuits and emergency response Members’ Bill. This is in order to have it
est Midlands Police (WMPF) drivers to recognise their skills and training, reflect the Federation’s submission of 2016
deputy secretary Tim Rogers has Tim has also spoken out on the timing of a and also the slight amendments as a result
Wexpressed his ‘bitter media event which took place on the same of the public consultation. So the direction is
disappointment’ that a Private Members’ day as Sir Henry’s bill was due to be heard in the same with the vehicle for change now
Bill proposing better protection in law for Parliament. being the Private Members’ route.
police drivers has been delayed once again. “The event run by a local policing “Officers have, in the main, full support
Tim, the Federation’s national response commander for the Metropolitan Police from their senior officers. Some actively
driving lead, has spearheaded the campaign reaffirmed a commitment to deal with encourage the use of tactics that clearly are
for a change in legislation and has spoken two-wheeled enabled crime through the at odds with the law. This is nice but it’s not
out after the second reading of Sir Henry highly effective Operation Venice,” Tim them who will be charged or sent to jail or
Bellingham’s Emergency Response Drivers explained. lose their job. The officer carries all the risk,
(Protections) Bill, put forward on behalf of “I love what they’ve been doing here, the senior officers need them to take these
the Police Federation, was put back from the results have been great and done much risks. We will get this changed I’m certain.”
Friday 23 November to March 2019. to restore confidence to worried But, in the meantime, Tim is urging
“While the lack of progress for Sir communities. The totally appropriate and officers to be mindful and safe within the
Henry’s bill is, of course, a bitter brutally effective tactics that are trained confines of the current legislation.
08 federation December 2018/January 2019