Page 12 - WMPF Federation Dec2018-flip_Neat
P. 12
Cuts have consequences
Cuts are having
consequences, new
reports issue warnings
to Government
wo new Parliamentary reports “You simply cannot slash police budgets that police funding is prioritised in both the
have shown the damaging effect year on year and expect the police to upcoming budget and the next
TGovernment cuts have had on public maintain an effective service for their Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR).”
safety and confidence. communities, particularly at a time when The PAC report says the Home Office does
The Policing for the Future report demand is increasing. not understand the demands being faced by
published by the Home Affairs Select “Cuts do have consequences and have the police service and calls for an overhaul of
Committee (HASC) concluded forces are clearly had an impact on the public we serve the funding formula, which calculates how
struggling to cope in the face of changing but also on police officers whose wellbeing much money forces receive from central
and rising crimes, as a result of falling staff has been severely affected.” Government.
numbers, outdated technology, capabilities, The HASC report contains 54 conclusions In a summary, it says funding for police
structures, fragmentation and a failure of and recommendations. It states the service forces is down by nearly a fifth since 2010-11
Home Office leadership. needs more money and needs to do more to and there are nearly a fifth fewer officers and
And the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) protect and promote the welfare of its staff. Inevitably, there are consequences and
has also issued a report highlighting how officers. forces are under increasing strain.
public confidence in the police service has It recommends an overhaul in the way It states: “Violent crime and sexual
been ‘severely dented’ after cuts to force fraud cases are dealt with and calls on the offences have increased and forces are
budgets. Home Secretary to take urgent action to dealing with more incidents which are not
West Midlands Police Federation chair ensure that all forces have sufficient
Rich Cooke says these should be clear signs specialist child sexual abuse investigators.
to the Government that it has got it wrong It goes on to state: “In too many areas,
on policing. the police are the only emergency service for
“These reports don’t tell officers up and those in crisis, and they are being used as a
down the country anything we didn’t already gateway to healthcare for those in desperate
know. Policing is on its knees,” he says. need of help.”
“We need a return to more visible It argues: “The Government must
policing, the type of policing that means be clear and accurate about
officers are present on our streets, acting as a police funding, and the
deterrent to those who are intent on resource pressures
committing crime but also catching facing forces.”
criminals,” says Rich. And it
“Instead, due to the Government’s cuts concludes:
programme, we just don’t have enough “Policing
officers to do that and we are being forced urgently needs
into offering a largely reactive service; that more money.
proactive and preventative side of front-line We strongly
policing is pretty much dead. recommend
“The public can see this happening, they
are aware the police service is having to
prioritise what it can respond to but what I
just don’t understand is why members of the
Government are burying their heads in the
12 federation December 2018/January 2019