Page 4 - Diversified - Global Service Offerings
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Less Time Spent on Recruitment, Lower Operation Cost
Diversified Oversees
• Benefit costs and tax burdens belong
Hiring to Diversified
• Diversified manages all risks associated
Identification, interviewing, background
checks, and initial onboarding with employee retention
Empowerment of Existing Employees
Client cultural adaptation, employee/staff to Embrace New Technologies
integration, and expectations
• Just-in-time learning can occur individually
Employee Management • Empowerment materials created for specific
Administration, professional development, use cases and user groups
incentives, and assessment • Reports demonstrate ROI - enhanced
efficiencies, productivity, and user confidence
Ongoing client demand has fueled ADOPT ’s exponential expansion— more than 100% growth over the past
3 years. Client engagements range from specifically staffed resources based on job descriptions to
comprehensive coverage with backfill and subject matter expertise from Diversified’s Global Services team.
User Adoption Support Media Production Live Event +
Executive Concierge
Day-to-day user support & Studio workflow,
maintenance across multiple management & engineering Conference center scheduling,
meeting spaces & campuses planning & video production
Digital asset management
Customer briefing center Executive meeting support,
training, scheduling Event production - global consulting & production
& maintenance collaboration sessions &
video conference events Conference &
Digital signage network streaming events
support & training Video concept,
capture & production
Video wall support
& content creation Motion/print graphics
& photography