Page 12 - 2021 October Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 12
Parker County 4-H Cash for Clovers Scholarship
To be absolutely clear...Yes, the 4-H office makes recommendations on the amount that we feel the 4-H'er is
deserving of based on the work we see from the county office. That recommendation is provided during the
PLA Cash for Clovers Scholarship Committee meeting when they are meeting to decide the amounts. Those
amounts are not shared anytime before. Yes, the PLA Cash for Clovers Scholarship Committee makes the
final decision and may choose to change the amounts that were recommended by the 4-H office. The
practice of the 4-H office making a recommendation for the scholarship amounts is at the request of the
Parker Co. 4-H Parent Leader's Association.
Getting Real with the Parker County 4 -HSch olarships
This is the the real dirt on our (4-H Staff’s) role in evaluating our portion of the Parker County 4-H Parent
Leader Association Scholarship. The Parker County 4-H Parent Leader’s Association
Scholarship was established by the parents and leaders of Parker County as away to reward outstanding
commitment, dedication and positive role models of our youth program. In order to be eligible for any level of
PLA Scholarship, the applicant must meet the following criteria…
The applicant must be an active, enrolled member in Parker County 4-H.
The applicant must have been an active member in 4-H for the last three consecutive years.
The applicant must be a graduating high school senior.
The applicant must plan to attend an accredited institution of higher learning: university, community
college, trade school or technical school in the Fall and enroll for a minimum of twelve hours.
Now it does not just end here! These are the absolute minimum requirements to be eligible to receive a
scholarship; and it does not mean that by meeting these minimum requirements you’ll receive a scholarship.
When we, the 4-H Staff, are evaluating our portion of the scholarship, these are a couple of things we’re
looking for…
Outstanding commitment
Outstanding dedication
Outstanding positive role models