Page 14 - 2021 October Parker Co. 4-H Connection
P. 14

What are we looking for?

         We’re looking for 4-H’ers that take on leadership roles outside of just the club level.
         4-H’ers that are willing to attend leadership camps.

         Plan and organize community service activities or educational programs at the county, district or state
         4-H’ers that are participating in county council meetings and helping with county-wide workshops.
         4-H’ers that are mentoring and teaching other 4-H’ers.
         4-H’ers that organize county-wide workshops and clinics to help prepare their fellow 4-H’ers
         4-H’ers that are good role models.
         We’re looking for someone that’s willing to work hard and take initiative.
         Someone who will put the 4-H Pledge in to action without being told.
         Hopefully this will give you some insight on the scholarship application process.

     If you have any questions about your 4-H performance and are looking for ideas to help you be
     successful in the scholarship process, 4-H’ers, please feel free to give me a call.  Lastly, don’t start your senior
     year. This is an ongoing process throughout your entire 4-H career.

     I hope this offers insight on the role the 4-H office in the PLA Cash for Clovers Scholarship.  Parents and 4-
     H'ers, feel free to contact me if you have questions.  Parents please know that you can be part of the Parker
     Co. 4-H Parent Leaders Association. Currently the scholarship committee is made up of an individual in good
     standing (attending at least 4 PLA meetings for the 4-H year) and does not have a child or immediate family
     applying for a scholarship.  If you'd like to see the selection process first hand, attend the meetings.

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