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Page 02 • The Shoppers Guide • May 10, 2021 Get The Shoppers Guide In Your Email FREE!
Beautiful apartments for
rent - a must see!!! 2
bedroom, 1.5 bath have
b e e n c o m p l e t e l y
remodeled from floor to
ceiling, hard wood,
laminate flooring, brand
new stainless steel apps,
new counter tops, new
toilets, tubs, windows,
doors in a quiet friendly
environment, ready to be
moved in immediately.
Recently there was an article Call 912-537-6262 or 912-
tucked away in a newspaper about a 326-7227 fmi
young girl in Georgia who feels no WTB old tillers, lawn
pain. She suffers from a rare mowers, golf carts,
congenital disease that affects the stoves, freezers &
refrigerators Ph 912-381-
nervous system. She and other 3410 PD
individuals who are born with
congenital insensitivity must be Wood Gun Cabinet, holds
carefully guarded. They must be 8 guns w/ 4 shelves on the
taught that fire burns or that if they fall side & lock container on 2008 Buick Enclave EXL, 2008 Chevy Colorado, Yamaha Jet Ski GP800R
the bottom, asking $225 V6, a/t, p/s, a/c, 3 seats, 2.9, a/t, p/s, a/c, 130k mi, w/ Trailer $975 firm Ph
a bone might be broken or if they are Ph 912-537-3290 100k mi, $8999 Ph 912- $5999 Ph 912-375-9621 N 912-592-7275 & leave
struck in the head it may result in a 375-9621 N 912-375-5762 912-375-5762 msg
concussion. It is frightening to think of Snapper Brush Mower w/
having to live with no warning system new tires, new battery, 18 B & W SALVAGE
hp Kawasaki engine &
to alert us to pain or sickness. It
detachable operator
requires them to be under constant carrier Ph 229-624-2225 Truck & Automotive Salvage
surveillance for their own protection.
There is another insensitivity, 2 Pair Brand New Lee
Pants w/ tags (1) denim &
however, that is more serious - it is Hwy. 46 West Rt. 3 Box 431 Metter, GA 30439 Butch Braner
(1) khaki, sz 38/32 & 38/30 (912)685-2250 or 1800-284-6626 Owner & Manager
becoming insensitive to sin. Our $15 each
minds become numb to the dangers Ph 912-537- 3290 25 Gal Tank Sprayer Pull 2 Pc Oak Finish China L o o k i n g f o r w a t e r
of sin as we see degrading pictures of Behind Lawn Mower, 25ft Cabinet in good shape reservoir for 1997 Ford
3 Pair Men's Boots, 8 inch Wand Sprayer w/ 8 ft $175 asking $100 Ph 912-253- dump truck F6H2A80808
p e o p l e i m p r o p e r l y e x p o s i n g
Black Alpha Force & Ph 912-240-3250 8756 Ph 912-531-0371
themselves to attract attention to their Rocky Boots, like new, sz
sensuality. Or the constant stories of 14M $50/pr Ph 478-697- For Your Avon Needs Looking for place to rent Complete Bee Keeping
the happiness and pleasures that 3612 Shop O nline! Visit in Toombs, Treutlen, or Setup w/ 4 active hives, 9 Montgomery Co., call or hive bodies, 90+ frames,
come from drinking alcoholic andall Any Questions or text 912-805-5720 if you 9 feeders, 2 bee suits,
Looking for trailer in
beverages. Then there are the good condition for need help call 229-326- have any rental homes hive equipment & tools
endless stories about children being hauling 4 wheeler or lawn 7669 PD 5/24 available Ph 912-585-3271
born out of wedlock to famous mower Ph 478-697-3612
Hollywood celebrities and attractive
1948 Allis Chalmers Mr. Ed’s Cars
pictures of them being praised and
Tractor Model B w/ mower
celebrated. Children, not old enough & blades, new tires,
to understand God's plan for shelter kept,$1700 Ph BUY HERE PAY HERE
marriage, are taught that it is 912-293-5064
appropriate for families to have two Time To Trade-In!
6 V i n y l I n s u l a t e d
moms or two dads. What was once Windows (36X72IN) $100
identified as wrong is now right. e a c h i n v e r y g o o d
But thank God that His Spirit is alive condition Ph 478-299- WE FINANCE
and anxious to convict hearts and 8318 NO CREDIT
change lives. “Deliver us and forgive CHECK
Grizzly Metal Lathe Model
us our sins for Your name's sake,” #G8688 w/ tooling asking
said the psalmist. If we awaken to the $875 Ph 912-293-7321
danger of sin and confess, God will
Looking for a Garden
forgive us.
Tiller at a reasonable
price Ph 912-253-8756
Visit us at:
Kubota Tractor L3400 4X4
The w/ loader pre-emissions
Shoppers Guide 550 hours in very good shape, carport kept, text
for pics, $14,500 Ph 478-
Published Weekly Since 1990 237-4598
Brand New Daybed w/
frame & pillow top Good Clean Late-Model Cars!
VIDALIA...............912-537-4888 mattress $250 Ph 912-
SCOTT.................912-383-5041 386-2536
ZAC BENDER.....912-331-6933 101 Stockyard Rd. Vidalia, Ga. 6 ft Scrape Blade $350 Ph 912-537-7750