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Page 06 • The Shoppers Guide • May 10, 2021 Get The Shoppers Guide In Your Email FREE!
Bass Tracker Boat w/ 40
hp motor 16 ft alum. w/
steering wheel, $2800 Ph
2010 F150 Laramie $8000
Ph 912-501-4189
(2) 15 inch Ford Ranger
steel wheels 4.5x5 inch
bolt pattern, caps, & lug
nuts included $45 for
both Ph 912-246-0353
Area rug 30x50 inch, red
w/ black, good condition,
no stains or tears, $20 Ph
Oversize red plaid chair,
$50 Ph 478-689-0232
100 Farmall 1pt hitch
$3500 for tractor & all
equipment including set
of harrows, dbl turning
plow, planters, fertilizer
distributor, forklift, G
whiz rotary mower,
scrape blade, all cult
equipment & extra pcs,
Toombs Co Ph 912-246-
Looking for 1964-1968
Ford Falcon, Comet or
Plymouth Valiant in fair
shape running or not Ph
Monday, 2008 Ford Edge, 3.5, a/t,
p/s, a/c, 152k mi, $5999
Ph 912-375-9621 N 912-
May 31, 2021 375-5762
2001 GMC 3500, V8, a/t,
p/s, a/c, 16ft van body w/
ramp, 159k mi, $6599 Ph
Looking for Rainbow Looking for 9965 or 9970 1 9 9 5 J e e p G r a n d New Tin Snips, set of 3 for HD Air Compressor $500 912-375-9621 N 912-375-
Irrigation Traveler Ph 478- Cotton Picker Ph 478- Cherokee $1500 Ph 912- $20 Ph 478-689-0232 Ph 912-381-4288 5762
893-7004 893-7004 246-5897
4 Ratchet Chain Binders
3 / 8 & 5 / 1 6 5 4 0 0 l b
capacity, new, never Subscribe To Our
used, asking $40 each Ph
Monthly Newsletter
5x8 Utility Trailer $350 Ph
Restaurant & Catering Services 912-526-0813 or 912-326-
Catering Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner for Your Party, Your Place
~ Always Fresh and Only the Best ~ Savage 8261 Pecan
harvester PTO driven, Subscribe to our email newsletter
Pickup/Delivery Available 912-537-0922
like new, $23K Irwinville to receive updates on the latest
Ph 229-457-0825
Electric Guitar w/ Fender Ruger Model 96 44 Mag news, special offers and events!
amp $275 Ph 912-537- Carbine Rifle, full lever Semi-Electric hospital
3290 action Ph 478-304-2344
bed w/ remote control &
spring mattress, like new,
Weed eater, wheel cooler 1999 Grand Marquis, low $300 Ph 478-279-2413
& tablet w/ charger Ph miles, $2000 Ph 478-689- Leave msg Subscribe Now
912-326-5897 0232
Solid Oak Trundle Bed &
mattresses w/ storage,
asking $500 Ph 912-381-
Oval Wood & Glass We respect your privacy.
C o f f e e Ta b l e w / 2
matching end tables Ph Your information is
we love having you here. TM 912-614-1101 safe and will never be shared.
Motor for electric lift Unsubscribe anytime.
Phone: 912.526.0235 Rosalyn Clark recliner, 13 inches, brand General Manager
new, $80 Ph 478-689-0188