Page 5 - 05-10-21.cdr
P. 5                                                                     May 10, 2021 • The Shoppers Guide • Page 05

               McCarty’s Used Cars                                                                              Christian
               McCarty’s Used Cars

      50 To Choose
           From!                                                                      WE RENT
        $1,950 to                                                                    VEHICLES                                            Way
          $6,950                NO CREDIT CHECKNO CREDIT CHECK

                               341 N. Lumber City Hwy., - Hazlehurst, GA
                                                                                                                             TALK IS CHEAP
                                        Day 375-9621                                                                                BY
                     $4,599                                                                     $5,599                        GARY TOOLE
     2007 chrysler town & country      Night 375-5762                          2007 lincoln mkx v/6 a/t p/s a/c
    van v/6 a/t p/s a/c 125,061 miles                                                 154,677 miles                 Grandma use to say that talk is cheap.  She
                                                                                                             would say, Put up or shut up!  Git on the pot or git
                                                                                                             off! Put your money where your mouth is!  We
                                                                                                             need more tell it like it is grandmas around and
                                         Free delivery & set up in
                     $5,999                 100 miles radius  custom built trailers             $3,999       then  we  wouldnt  have  so  many  smart  mouth
     2008 ford edge 3.5 a/t p/s a/c    handi houses     tag along & gooseneck  2003 cadillac cts 4dr v/6 a/t p/s   disrespectful  know  it  alls  which  are  most  all
           152,854 miles                 all sizes             all sizes             a/c 111,260 miles       celebrities.  They stand up there like little gods
                                                                                                             and beat their gums and all their ignorant fans
                                FINANCING                                                                    bow at their feet.  The blind leading the blind as
                                 AVAILABLE                                                                   the word says in Matthew 15:14.  They talk about
                                                                                                             all that is going on that is wrong but yet they dont
                     $7,599                            new enclosed trailers,                   $4,999
                                                       all sizes,by cargo craft                              do  anything  but  talk  and  they  are  part  of  the
     2008 honda cr-v 2.4 a/t p/s a/c   Check out our Web Page                   2010 ford focus 4dr 4cy 5sp p/s
           102,000 miles   inc & horton vans inc        a/c 96,000 miles        problem.   Not part of the solution.   Their evil
                                                                                                             seduction lures boys and girls into a destructive
  Electric  Concrete  Mixer   1999 GMC C8500 Bucket    2013  Intenational  8600   Looking  for  Remington    life style.  Their sponsors are vices that destroy,
  portable $300 Ph 912-381-  Truck Cat Diesel Allison,   Daycab,  T/A  MF13,  410   Model 700   BDL Rifle in   yet they talk against law enforcement.  Against
  4288                       a/t,  175k  mi,  $14,999  Ph   hp,  10  spd,  a/c,  cruise,   excellent condition w/ or   all the injustices of society and what are they
                             912-375-9621  N  912-375-  769k mi, $10,999 Ph 912-  w/o  scope  Ph  912-246-   doing to correct it.  Oh, they say, I am using my
  2007 LWB Ford Truck V8     5762                      375-9621 N 912-375-5762    0353                       voice to make a difference!   Yea well! If you
  engine  w/  bedliner  Ph                                                                                   really want to make a difference then turn it into
  912-381-4288                                                                    Baby  Chicks  Rhode        cash.    It  is  sort  of  like  these  rich  men  were
                                                                                  Island  Red  crossed  w/
  1993 Chevy Corvette 40th                                                        Game Cock in Enigma Ph     standing around talking about the misfortune of
  Anniversary  edition,                                                           229-326-6041               this other man and they all said that they had
  white,  all  original,  great                                                                              sympathy  for  him  and  one  man  pulls  out  a
  shape, first $6500 gets it   BEST PRICES - BEST SERVICE - EVERY BRAND - EVERY DAY  4x12 Utility Trailer w/ 12 ft   thousand dollar bill and says, This is how much
  Ph 912-253-9279                                                                 Aluminum Boat on it $650   sympathy I have for him!   The bible makes it
                                  JMC TIRE                                        FOR  BOTH  Ph  912-381-
                                                                                                             plain and clear that when someone is in need and
  Husqvarna  riding  lawn                                                         9040 Douglas               you  walk  by  and  say,  Be  blessed,  then  it  is
  mower 22 hp 46 inch cut,                    Previously J&T Tire                                            worthless.  Words are cheap.  The bible says to
  good  tires,  new  blades,        John Coffee, Owner                            B r o m a n   c h i c k e n s   love not in words but in deeds and in truth.  These
  needs belt & battery, $375                                                      $25/pair Ph 912-557-4408   celebrity gods horde up these poor ignorant fans
  Ph 912-537-6741                         912-384-4940                            Reidsville                 money  and  go  out  and  buy  1,000  pairs  of
                               2680 Hwy 32 West, Douglas, Ga 31533                                           $1,000.00 shoes.   That adds up to one million
  Looking  for  Upright                                                           22-12 Gauge 3.5 inch #5    dollars on shoes.  They are all mouth.  They are
  Chest  Type  Freezer  in                                                        Shot  Plus  15-12  GA  3.5   like the old uncompassionate queen years ago
  good  condition  Ph  912-                                                       inch  MAG  00  Buck  Ph    and she was told that the people have no bread
  531-0371                                                                        912-245-3642               and she said coldly, Well, then let them eat cake!
                                                                                                             If she didnt get saved then she is high on the hell
  4 8 8   9 7   m o d e l   N e w                                                 Mossy  Oak  Thumb  Hole    menu.   Roast queen!   Most of these celebrities
  Holland Hay Bind Cutter                                                         Stock  &  Firearm  fits    that  are  criticizing  the  law  enforcement  and
  good condition $2500 Ph    WE’RE THERE WHEN YOU NEED US MOST!                   model  870,  $65  PH  912-  filling  young  men  with  more  hate  and  these
  478-278-0282                                                                    245-3642
                             Take  up  payments  and  Square  Baler  Ferguson                                celebrity rebel rousers are doing it to feed their
                             get  in  your  name  2016  Tractor  Disc  Mower,                                egos and keep themselves in the lime light but
  4x12  Utility  Trailer  w/o   Clayton  Breeze  Home  Rake,  $20k  for  all,  also   Mahindra Tractor & Bush   one day pay day is coming!   Most of them have
  gate  $500  Ph  912-381-   16X76 3 bedroom, 2 bath  Tandem  3  Axle  solid      Hog Ph 229-457-0825
  9040                       w/ extras like new Ph 912-  metal tilt trailer, $2500 Ph                        millions and billions and if they are so concerned
                                                                                                             then why dont they use some of that money to
                             537-3290 for appt         229-425-4741 or 229-425-   To  Give  Away  Large      start businesses and programs designed to bring
  4500 John Deere Tractor                              4218 Fitzgerald            Room  Divider  Ph  912-    jobs and unity and create avenues that can lead
  9 0 0   h o u r s   w /   a l l   Looking for Excavator &                                                  young folks in the right direction.   Oh no!  The
  equipment  Ph  478-494-    Dump Truck Ph 478-893-    Looking  for  used  stove   To  Give  Away  12x10     right  direction!    Then  that  would  be  counter
  1886                       7004                      Ph 912-383-0258
                                                                                  Garage  Doors  Ph  912-    productive to their deviant life style and the evil
    (912) 526-9719 SHOP  (912) 293-3946 CELL                                      381-4288                   they  promote.    Even  our  sports  are  being
                                                                                                             promoted  by  deadly  poisons.    All  the  beer
                                                                                  6x12 Utility Trailer w/ gate   companies are rolling in doe so to speak and who
     ROAD & FIELD EQUIPMENT                                                       $1200 Ph 912-381-9040      are they helping?  Nobody!  Its more like who are

                                                                                                             they destroying?  And yet church folks support
                    1706 Lyons Center RD.                                         Couch & Chair, tan & rust   professional sports.  And dont get me started on
                                                                                  colored flowers,  $150 Ph
                    3 Miles West of Lyons                                         Carol 912-384-3392         these  beer  companies.    I  am  against  cigarette
                                                                                                             smoking and I am vehemently against drinking
                                  OPEN                                            Oak  Table  w/  6  Chairs   alcohol  and  doing  drugs.    If  everyone  quit
                                                                                                             drinking and doping then we could solve 75 % of
                            Mon-Fri 9-6                                           $200  Ph  Carol  912-384-  our social problems and a lot of our economical
        Used Trucks Equipment                                                                                problems and the rest could be solved by going to

                                                                                  F r e s h   B r o w n   E g g s   church  and  bringing  back  the  family  unit  and
                   and Truck Parts                                                $ 2 . 5 0 / d o z e n   i n   going to church together.  Men really going back
                                                                                  Lyons/Vidalia  area  Ph    and becoming real men.   A real man leads his
    Larry Thomas                    Lyons Center Road \ Lyons, GA                 912-245-8282               family in worship!  Can you say amen?
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