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Page 04 • The Shoppers Guide • May 10, 2021                                                       Get The Shoppers Guide In Your Email FREE!



                                                                                                     - Eliminate Pain

                                                                                                     - Increase Mobility

                                                                                                     - Without Drugs

    FOR MOMS, DADS, GRADS & ALL THOSE YOU LOVE                                                       - Without Surgery

            he love of a family is one of life’s greatest
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   ones on the journeys of life or new adventures is

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   how they can help using natural care to get the
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   them know you saw their ad in The Shoppers
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                                                         After 50

   Beginners & Advanced Classes M-F            Inhale~Exhale Studio
   Available Now!                                                                     Quality Health Foods
                                                    Yoga and Pilates
                                                          Vivian Bennett
                                                      602 McCrary Road              802-A South Peterson Ave., Douglas, Ga 31533
                                                     Douglas, GA 31533
                                                                                    Phone/Fax: 912-383-0258     M-F: 9-6   Sat: 9-2
                                                (912) 309-9710
    facebook: InhaleExhale-studio-with-vivian
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