Page 15 - Coastwatch_2024_v5b
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Four Decades of Whale Rescue

                                       CCS hosts meeting of
                                       all existing national                                  CCS MAER has rescued
                                      entanglement response                                     over 200 whales and
                                   networks including Australia,                               sea turtles. The CCS-
                                   Canada, New Zealand, South                                    led Global Whale
                                     Africa, and USA, to agree                                Entanglement Response
                                   upon best practices, strategy                             Network has trained 1750
                                     and curriculum for global                               entanglement responders
                                        capacity building.                                        in 43 countries.
             2005                         2011                         2012                        2024

           CCS partners with                                       In partnership with the
           the Department of                                       International Whaling
          Marine Fisheries and                                      Commission, efforts
           NOAA to form the                                        begin to build global
          Massachusetts Sea                                         capacity. First two
         Turtle Disentanglement                                    trainings held in Brazil
               Network.                                               and Argentina.

                                                          Expanding International Disentanglement
                                                          Training and Leadership

                                                          In 2024, the Global Whale Entanglement Response Network
                                                          (GWERN), a CCS collaboration with the International Whaling
                                                          Commission  (IWC)  coordinated  by  David  Mattila,  has  continued
                                                          its international capacity-building work in large whale
                                                          disentanglement. Mattila, who has been with CCS since 1980, is
                                                          retiring as coordinator this year. During his  four decades of work
                                                          he pioneered  international research efforts such as the YoNAH
                                                          (Years of the North Atlantic Humpback) and SPLASH (Structures of
                                                          Population, Levels of Abundance and Status of Humpback Whales)
        Disentanglement responder trainees from the National
        Aquarium in Baltimore practice throwing a cutting grapple,   projects, and organized global initiatives like the International
        September 2024.                                   Conference on Marine Mammal Protected Areas.

                                                          Going forward, Scott Landry, Director of CCS’s Marine Animal
                                                          Entanglement Response (MAER) team, and Astrid Frisch, a
                                                          humpback whale expert and CCS adjunct scientist from Mexico, will
                                                          take on leadership roles in international disentanglement efforts.
                                                          In  2023/2024,  GWERN  provided  disentanglement  training  for  30
                                                          people in Costa Rica, 35 in Chile/Argentina, 30 in France, 20 in Spain
                                                          and 40 in Colombia. In 2024, CCS hosted responders from Australia
                                                          and the National Aquarium in Baltimore for two-week intensive
                                                          apprenticeships, preparing them to safely and effectively assist
                                                          whales in distress back home.

                                                          The MAER team successfully disentangles one of nine leatherback turtles
                                                          rescued during the summer of 2024.
                                                          CCS Image, taken under 50 CFR 222.310

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