Page 11 - Coastwatch_2024_v5b
P. 11
Marine Fisheries Research Program
Species of Interest
Winter Flounder
Black Sea Bass Juvenile winter flounder
are one of the many species
Black sea bass are one of many fish species shifting recorded during the
northward as waters warm. They are frequently caught in Center’s inshore surveys of
traps or benthic collectors designed for crabs or juvenile coastal bays and harbors.
lobsters during CCS surveys and monitoring studies. Although once abundant,
Additionally, black sea bass are known to be voracious adults are rarely observed,
predators of small crabs and lobsters.
likely due to their offshore
spawning behavior, while
juveniles utilize inshore
areas as nursery habitats.
Understanding the seasonal
presence of these fish can
help inform regulations on
the timing of navigational
dredging projects.
Shortfin Squid
Shortfin Squid
Shortfin squid were spotted in
Shortfin squid were spotted in
Cape Cod Bay this year during
Cape Cod Bay this year during
Boring Sponge
Boring Sponge biodiversity surveys conducted
biodiversity surveys conducted
Boring sponges drill into hard
Boring sponges drill into hard aboard a commercial fishing
aboard a commercial fishing
surfaces, including oyster vessel. T ypically , these squid
vessel. Typically, these squid
shells, to form colonies. are found near the edge of the
shells, to form colonies.
are found near the edge of the
Once colonized, these shells
continental shelf, but they have
Once colonized, these shells Green Crab continental shelf, but they have
Green Crab
occasionally moved closer to
become brittle and can be occasionally moved closer to
become brittle and can be
Weekly monitoring of the green crab
unsuitable for market. In the
unsuitable for market. In the W eekly monitoring of the green crab the Cape’ s shores over the past
the Cape’s shores over the past
population, including sex ratio, size, and
2023 and 2024 oyster seasons,
2023 and 2024 oyster seasons, population, including sex ratio, size, and few decades. Their location is
few decades. Their location is
reproductive status, provides valuable
CCS partnered with Cape Cod reproductive status, provides valuable influenced by ocean conditions,
influenced by ocean conditions,
CCS partnered with Cape Cod
insights into the impact of this invasive
such as the movement of the
oyster harvesters to collect
oyster harvesters to collect insights into the impact of this invasive such as the movement of the
species on the local marine ecosystem. Here,
affected oysters and study the
warm Gulf Stream current
affected oysters and study the species on the local marine ecosystem. Here, warm Gulf Stream current
a recently molted female green crab, smaller
sponge’ s life cycle, aiming to a recently molted female green crab, smaller southeast of New England, and
sponge’s life cycle, aiming to
southeast of New England, and
determine the most effective
determine the most effective in size, is held beneath a larger male for their presence in Cape Cod
their presence in Cape Cod
protection as her new shell hardens, making
Bay may be linked to changing
timing for harvesters to treat protection as her new shell hardens, making Bay may be linked to changing
timing for harvesters to treat
her available for mating.
offshore environments.
their oysters.
their oysters. her available for mating. offshore environments.