Page 14 - Coastwatch_2024_v5b
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Marine Animal Entanglement Response
Rescue of North Atlantic Extended attempt to save
right whale off Nantucket. right whale Churchill
The event prompts the brings national attention
development of new tools to the issue of right
and safety protocols, such whale entanglement,
as helmets and safety and is the first use of
knives. sedatives.
1984 1997 1998 2001
CCS successfully CCS partners with
disentangles its first NOAA to help form the
whale, the humpback Atlantic Large Whale
whale Ibis, on Disentanglement
Thanksgiving Day. Network.
Protecting Marine Life Across
New England Waters
The Marine Animal Entanglement Response (MAER) program
maintained emergency response capabilities throughout southern New
England in 2024, fielding over 150 reports of distressed marine animals.
The team successfully disentangled or partially freed five humpback The CCS MAER team works to disentangle
whales and nine leatherback sea turtles during more than 60 days on humpback whale Bounce, July 3, 2024.
the water from January to October. The MAER team also contributed CCS Image, NOAA Permit #24359
to management discussions aimed at reducing entanglements along
the North American Atlantic coast. Given the ongoing decline of the Live and dead whale
North Atlantic right whale population, there was particular emphasis (red) and sea turtle
(green) entanglement
on reducing rope in whale habitats. sightings within the
MAER response area
A leader in field-based conservation since 1984, the MAER program in 2024; tracks of R/V
operates year-round, offering emergency disentanglement services Ibis in white.
and vital data collection on marine animals caught in fishing gear.
With a focus on the Gulf of Maine—one of the highest entanglement
hotspots in the U.S.—the program has aided over 200 whales and sea
turtles since its inception, and has been instrumental in developing
and refining disentanglement tools and techniques that are now
used by teams across the globe. MAER also runs a 24-hour reporting
hotline (800-900-3622). Beyond immediate conservation efforts, MAER
partners with the fishing community, government agencies, and
international responders to collect crucial data on bycatch that informs
entanglement prevention strategies.