Page 8 - Coastwatch_2024_v5b
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Shoreline and Seafloor Mapping Program

                                                                                             The JetYak mapping eelgrass
                                                                                             off Pamet Harbor, Truro.

                                       Innovation and Collaboration
                                       The  Shoreline  and  Seafloor  Mapping  Program,  now  renamed  to  reflect  its  expanded
                                       focus on both the seafloor and the shoreline, has been a vital part of the Center's geology
                                       and ecology research since its launch in 2009. Collaboration is at its core, and partnering
                                       with institutions like the University of Massachusetts CaPE Lab and the BEACON Lab
                                       allows the program to work closely with graduate students and access state-of-the-art
                                       mapping technology.
                                       One of the standout tools in this initiative is the JetYak, an autonomous surface vessel
                                       (ASV) developed  by the Woods  Hole Oceanographic  Institution.  This marine  drone,
        CCS Hydrographer Pedro dos     equipped with advanced sidescan sonar, is currently being used by CCS Hydrographer
        Santos operates the JetYak at
        Pamet Harbor by remote control.   Pedro dos Santos to map shallow water areas and study the loss of eelgrass habitats in
                                       Cape Cod Bay. Supported by a grant from the National Park Service, the JetYak project is
                                       providing critical insights into the health of these underwater ecosystems.
        Previously, no recent information
        on the bathymetry of the Pamet   Locally, the program is working with the Town of Truro to study Pamet Harbor. In a recent
        River was available (Left). The   survey, the team collected detailed bathymetric data, building on earlier federal and state
        seafloor has been mapped and   efforts. These new data will help modelers accurately project how the Upper Pamet River
        added to the existing data to
        provide a full picture of Pamet   system might evolve if tidal flow is restored.
        Harbor. (Right)

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