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Proud Member of the
Proud Member of the
Proud Member of the
Proud Member of the
Plymouth Public
Plymouth Public
Plymouth Public
Plymouth Public
Library Guild
Library Guild
Library Guild
Library Guild
Meet Guild Founding Members 2022
Beverly & Dennis
37 years ago, Dennis and Beverly Library was “400 square feet. We
moved to Plymouth from the North would sit on the floor because there
Shore. They had been in search of a was no place to sit down.” That
home where they could see the water Library was important to Beverly,
and found a cottage in Plymouth with providing not only books, but a
ocean views. They renovated that refuge. She sees public town libraries
cottage and commuted into Boston as an essential space and a needed
until they both retired from the sanctuary.
Veteran’s Administration where they
had met each other. In a changing world, Beverly and
Dennis value the Library as a
Beverly and Dennis are a couple trustworthy bedrock institution: “If
united by their love for each other they get rid of libraries they are only
and their shared interests, including going to have the point of view of
cruising all over the world and books someone who is using an algorithm.
and reading. Beverly reads out loud This idea of rewriting history... we
often to Dennis and he loves how she have to be able to look it up ourselves
can do different character voices. in the Library and know what the
truth is. The Library will support you
They are frequent Plymouth Library with the truth. You can find it in the
users. With Library resources and Library.”
support, Beverly worked on her
own genealogy uncovering surprises Beverly and Dennis are inaugural
about her family. Dennis loves the members of Plymouth Public Library
“whole atmosphere and peace” at Guild, the Library Foundation’s donor
the Library. He takes advantage of society started in 2021 to recognize
the public computers and tech help those whose contributions provide
that is offered to patrons. significant support to help the Library
realize visionary goals.
One of the reasons they continue
to support the Library Foundation is Thank you, Beverly and Dennis, for
because they see the many programs your generosity and commitment to
offered for kids. They love watching the Library!
the next generation use and enjoy
the Library and recognize that the To join the Library Guild, or to receive
Library provides needed enrichment information about leaving a Legacy
and a safe, welcoming place for kids gift, contact Anne Phelan, Foundation
of all ages.
When Beverly was a child, her town 508-830-4250 x216
16 Plymouth Public Library Foundation