Page 10 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v5_Neat
P. 10
The Successful Return
of the Plymouth Public
Library Foundation’s
Longest Running
& Most Successful
Taste of the Town
Sip, Savor &
Your Plymouth
Public Library
The Party’s Over….
for this Year!
After two years of COVID-induced about their businesses, and reaf-
shutdowns and adaptations, the firmed their commitment to every-
Plymouth Public Library Founda- thing that makes this community
tion proudly returned this year special – great food, great people,
with the 17th Annual Taste of the and a great public library.
Town fundraiser. At this eclectic The businesses represented at
wine-tasting event, 19 local restau- Taste of the Town were diverse in
rants and 21 drink partners (led by their offerings and their origins.
our good friends at Pioppi’s Pack- Some, like Pioppi’s, East Bay Grill,
age Store) shared snippets of their or Wood’s Seafood, are long-stand-
menus with the guests, conversed
ing Plymouth staples that have
10 Plymouth Public Library Foundation