Page 5 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v5_Neat
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volunteer session as we plant and harvest the latest batch
        of crops! Through community polls, Plymouth locals will
        decide on the fruits, vegetables, flowers, and more that
        grow at the Library. The harvest will go to food pantries
        around the area.

        On another gardening note, the PPL Foundation is
        organizing an event in July 2023 to support the redesign
        of our Dr. Richard M. Shiff Garden. This garden has been a
        part of the Library for over thirty years and our goal is to
        reimagine the space and create a garden that our patrons
        will seek out and enjoy – whether as the backdrop for a
        special program, for one of the Children’s Department’s
        Story Hours or simply as a quiet, magical outdoor space
        to immerse yourself while reading the latest best seller
        or classic novel. Special thanks to Rosemarie & Richard
        Havens for their inaugural gift to get this project off the
        ground! Huzzah!

        Stay tuned…plans will be forthcoming!

                               Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring 2023 Issue     5
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