Page 3 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v5_Neat
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-- a special thanks to Tech Etch for leading the way.  Our three
        signature events: Tee It Up for Literacy, the Arts & Crafts Festival
        and Taste of the Town also received a significant increase in support
        from both the local and business community.  At the very heart of
        the Foundation’s success are our individual donors and loyal corps
        of volunteers -- this has been a year of growth in every respect and
        once again, their ranks are on the rise! Thank you to all.

        Thank you for your role in ensuring our success – whether
        you attended a program, checked out a book, accessed our
        online resources, or simply told a friend or family member
        about the riches that can be found at your Library! In 2023, we
        promise continued growth and look forward to celebrating our
        achievements during the course of the year. Stay tuned, you’ll
        want to be among the first to know!

        Let’s Keep Growing, Together!

        Anne Phelan
        Director PPLF


        April 22
        Shred-It Event
        Plymouth Public Library Parking Lot, 8 am to 11 am
        June 19th
        Annual Tee It Up for Literacy Golf Tournament
        LeBaron Hills Country Club, Lakeville

        July 20th
        1st Annual Plymouth Garden Tour & Exhibit

        September 9th & 10th
        4th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival
        Plymouth Public Library Lawn

        For more information on these events, please contact
        Katie Kearney, Event & Volunteer Coordinator (508) 830-4250 x228

                               Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring 2023 Issue     3
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