Page 18 - Industrial Technology magazine February 2021 issue
P. 18

Small batch sizes and a competitive market   France. With this project for L’Oréal, the   collect and move pucks between systems
       characterise the cosmetics industry. To survive   world’s largest cosmetics company, SECAD   when they have moved through an individual
       in this market, producers must strive for   was faced with the task of merging six   station. These machines must also be serviced
       maximum efficiency, capitalising on flexible   separate production lines including the   and maintained, adding to the maintenance
       production methods. Top class engineering   unstacking, filling and labelling of cosmetic   costs. In the case of L’Oréal, several
       and the most modern drive and control     bottles in one single production line. An   accumulation vessels were required to
       methods play a major role in achieving this.   additional task was that of significantly
                                                 reducing the throughput time. Handling small,
                                                 light and fragile products, for example in the
          Position of the system  Horizontal     filling and labelling of cosmetic and
                                                 pharmaceutical products, requires specialist
          Length of the system                   machinery. Traditionally, conveyor belts
         (unwound one circuit)      33m          with ‘puck handling’ are used to move
                                                 products from one work station to the
           Number of movers          70          next. The puck, also called the product
                                                 carrier, transport cup or carrier,
         Time for one mover to                   guarantees stability and optimal
          complete one circuit    41.95sec       position of the product. At first
                                                 glance, this traditional solution looks
          Life required in years  >=5 years      the most sensible and economic
                                                 option, but on closer inspection there
                                                 are flaws to be found.
       SECAD, a specialist machine building
       company in France, states: “The performance   On traditional product transport
       of a system is greater than the sum of the   methods, individual work stations are
       individual parts; it is the result of their   connected by a series of conveyors.
       interaction.” SECAD should know; the      Consequently, a large plant footprint is
       company regularly develops machines for   required. Separate work cells and
       giants of the cosmetics industry. “Every new   connecting conveyors need more space
       project presents new challenges,” says Kevin   than a standardised system that facilitates a
       Gomes, machine engineer for this specialist   range of processes. Furthermore, additional
       machine building company in Northern      equipment and machinery is needed to       complete the
                                                                                            transfer of pucks
                                                                                            from system to
                                                                                            system. Another factor to consider with
                                                                                            traditional setups is that a large number of
                                                                                            pucks are required to achieve sufficient
                                                                                            product throughput and allow continuous
                                                                                            flow where processing times differ. A total of
                                                                                            300 pucks were being used by L’Oréal in the
                                                                                            existing processing plant. In the new cell, this
                                                                                            quantity could be reduced by 76% to only
                                                                                            70 pucks, whilst simultaneously increasing
                                                                                            productivity. The accumulation vessels would
                                                                                            also no longer be required. “Simply by
                                                                                            reducing the quantity of pucks in the system,
                                                                                            significant savings can be made in terms of
       In this cosmetics application, six separate production lines are merged in one single   economy of scale,” commented SECAD on
       production line with a focus on maximum efficiency.                                  the results.

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