Page 16 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 24th May 2021
P. 16

from the typical automation benefits such as   leave them running all day, with the increased
       improved repeatability and precision, and the fact   power consumption. The 20,000 hour life of an
       that robots do not get tired or need breaks.   LED curing lamp therefore represents 20,000 hours
                                            of curing time (in practice many years), whereas the
       Two different UV technologies        lifespan of a mercury arc lamp refers to running
       Part of the ROI calculation will be the cost of a UV   time.
       curing lamp. For optimal results and to get the full   LED UV curing lamps are attractive because of
       benefits of the technology, an industrial unit with   better process control and low running costs.
       the correct output is required. It is always a false   However, if you are looking to switch from a
       economy to use UV sources which do not meet a   mercury arc lamp to an LED UV lamp, it may not be
       minimum recommended intensity or output non-  as simple as a straight swap. It is important to
       optimal wavelengths — incomplete cure being the   ensure that your adhesive cures effectively with the
       most obvious result. A good supplier will work with   narrow spectrum output; some, especially those
       you to choose and evaluate appropriate curing   designed for broad spectrum cure, will cure with
       equipment.                           unexpected characteristics.
         There are two types of UV curing lamp, based   If you are already operating a mercury arc
       on fundamentally different technologies. The   process, you may need to consider how often you
       traditional light source used during UV curing is a   are changing your bulb, the price of the bulbs, the
       mercury-based arc lamp, which emits broad   downtime for bulb changes, and the cost of
       spectrum light. The alternative is an LED UV curing   monitoring the output of the bulb, and calculate
       lamp, which differs by emitting narrow spectrum   whether upgrading to an LED curing lamp will
       UV light.                            deliver an appropriate ROI.
         For manufacturers establishing new processes,   For manufacturers who can change their
       LED UV curing is usually the recommended option.   adhesive, consider whether you are trying to reduce
       The range of adhesives suitable for curing with   costs, solve a technical problem, or both. Because
       narrow spectrum LED UV light is increasing all the   switching adhesives may require revalidation, it is
       time.                                typically done by businesses with a strong
         Process control is much easier with LED UV   commercial or technical drive for the change. Some
       lamps, as they offer more consistent output — up to   examples may be supply issues, a change in the
       or exceeding 20,000 hours. On the other hand,   regulatory environment, or a product update
       mercury arc lamps have a typical life of 2,000   involving new substrates or bondline design.
       hours, degrading throughout this period. LED curing   A UV curing adhesive can deliver good return on
       lamps have no bulbs to change, which removes the   investment. It is important to take a holistic view,
       need to pay for replacements. They run at lower   considering productivity, quality, yield, throughput,
       temperatures, helping to avoid thermal rise and   energy, H&S and similar factors in the calculation;
       substrate damage.                    material and equipment costs are often offset by
         LED lamps have no warm-up or cool-down time,   these other benefits and the resultant savings. The
       so the manufacturer can turn them on, as and when   materials offer fast, on demand curing, and can be
       needed, using them immediately. In contrast, the   easily combined with automation to further improve
       warm-up and cool down time associated with a   throughput and yield.
       broad spectrum lamp means that manufacturers

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