Page 12 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 24th May 2021
P. 12

requirements of the application are then considered.   applications such as medical therapy systems. The
         Operational lifespan can be a key consideration   increased life does carry a higher cost, however.
       for the application. Medical products such as
       oxygen concentrators and anaesthesia machines  Power consumption
       require the pump to last many hours of operation   For applications that will be battery driven, power
       without degradation in performance, which impacts   consumption is an important consideration, and the
       on the choice of motor. Unlike electronically   efficiency of the motor is key. Slotless or coreless
       commutated motors, iron core and coreless motors   designs provide the most efficiency, with their
       utilise brushes for communication, which wear over   unique coil design minimising mechanical losses.
       time due to friction and arcing. Motor life is dictated   Slotted designs, seen in stepper and iron core
       by the material of the brushes used. Options are   motors, are the least efficient as the high iron
       available to extend the brush life, including precious   content produces significant electrical losses.
       metal materials. In general, with their layered coil   Another advantage of the slotless coil design, as
       design, coreless motors will last up to four times   well as from coreless motors, is reduced weight,
       longer than iron core motors. However, where long   and this can be a key consideration for portable
       life must be assured, design engineers are best   equipment such as gas analysers.
       served by brushless DC and stepper motors.   With the motor selection impacted by so many
         Looking beyond commutation, the key point of   different parameters, choosing the optimum product
       wear common to all motors is the bearings. Two   can be a challenge, and often tradeoffs must be
       main types of bearing are available – sleeve and   made to satisfy the specific requirements. But
       ball. Sleeve bearings have lower force and life   armed with the knowledge the advantages and
       ratings (approximately 3,000 hours), but at a lower   disadvantages of the various technologies, the
       cost. Ball bearings offer significantly longer life   design engineer can be confident of finding a motor
       (approximately 20,000 hours) and withstand higher   that meets both the performance requirements and
       radial and axial loads (typically twice as high as   price sensitivities of the application.
       sleeve bearings), making them ideal for demanding

                            May 2021 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p12
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