Page 10 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 24th May 2021
P. 10
Selecting the right motor for
miniature pump applications
Proper motor selection is critical to the efficient operation of miniature pumps in
demanding flow or pressure/vacuum tasks. But with the spectrum of applications
covering a huge range of different price to performance needs, the design
considerations can be complex. Dave Beckstoffer of Portescap, offers this guidance
for selecting the right motor for a given pump application.
rom blood analysers to gas samplers and pressure or a vacuum. While there are many
oxygen concentrators, and from benchtop parameters within the overall design of the end
diagnostic apparatus to lightweight, product that can be tailored by the choice of pump,
Fportable medical devices, there are a or indeed by customising the pump, it is the pump’s
multitude of different products that rely on motor that is critical to optimising the overall
miniature pumps either to move a fluid or to create system performance.