Page 9 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 24th May 2021
P. 9
The full range of
BODOR systems now
available from TLM
Laser have working
envelopes ranging from
600mm x 600mm up to
6m x 2m for the flat-bed systems, and up to 6.5m
in length for tube processing. Capable of cutting of the environment to avoid collisions further
carbon steel up to 100mm thick, depending upon enhance the capability of these attractively priced
model and laser power, and with the ability to cut systems.
bevel edges to 45 degrees, the systems also feature LM Laser’s Andy Toms comments: “There is no
a 360 degree fully enclosed design surrounding the doubt that the price / performance characteristics of
working area, which provides a safe working these systems will open up new opportunities for
environment by isolating both fumes and laser investment from a wide range of companies,
radiation. including SME’s, who have until now been unable
A series of features such as Auto-Focusing to take advantage of this type of technology. This is
which is suitable for multiple focal lengths, with the great news, especially at a time when many UK
focal position automatically adjusted based on companies are seeking to re-shore manufacture and
sheet thickness, and Automatic Obstacle shorten the supply chain.”
Avoidance, which offers full 360 degree monitoring