Page 14 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 24th May 2021
P. 14


       Achieving return on investment

       on a UV bonding project

       Simon Gibbs, Product Specialist at adhesives supplier Intertronics, shares
       insight on achieving return on investment (ROI) from a UV curing process.

             ight curable adhesives have applications in   curing material might be suitable for your
             the assembly of products in medical   application, there are multiple considerations to get
             devices, automotive, aerospace, consumer   the best out of your investment.
       Lelectronics, appliances and more. The   When designing a UV curing process, it is
       materials provide a way to reduce costs without   critical that you understand both the process and
       sacrificing product quality. Once you have   how it can deliver on your objectives, so that you
       established criteria for performance and the   can choose a material and equipment that meets
       application requirements to determine if a UV   your requirements. It is typical practice to narrow

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