Page 264 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 264
Words of Appreciation
I am the parent of Aditya Chatterjee Thank you very much for starting
(Class 1 F) & Ishaan Chatterjee (UKG with the online classes for the
B). I wanted to let you know that the children. They are really helpful. A
lessons along with the examples & big thanks to the teachers also for all
accompanying videos are very their efforts.Thanking you Paromita
unambiguous & clear to understand. So Sircar Samaddar
helping the kids with the same entails a Dear Sir/Madam
lot less effort on our part.Really Ref.:
appreciate the effort put up by the 1. Bhuvi Singhal - Class -3 D
Teachers, school management &the IT 2. Navyanaveli Singhal - Class -X - II
staff for ensuring continuity as best it am the parent of the abovementioned
can be, given the situation.
Students studying in your highly
Dear Madam/Sir esteemed School.I am just writing to
Myself and my family are really grateful share my view on Online Classes
and thankful to the teachers who are not conducted by the School.In my view
only doing taking care of the house work the school authorities are doing a
but also teaching the students very wonderful Job. I must congratulate
effectively during the lock down The Principal Madam, all the
period.We are appreciating the efforts Teachers and the Entire Team
teachers are making in teaching the associated with the Process.I highly
students .Teachers are really taking time appreciate the effort and hard work
from their house hold work and teaching put in by all to beat the lockdown and
the students.We also thank other support continue the process of Education.I
functions also in making it happen. am proud of my decision to admit
Thanking you both my daughters in DPS Newtown.
Shubhashish Regards,
Hi ma'am, This is Shreyansh's momI Sandip SinghalInsoft Financial
Services | Dalmia Securities Pvt Ltd -
would like to thank you and all the other South City Branch
teachers who have been taking so much
of effort to teach our wards online "It was a wonderful session...though
during these uncertain times, we really everyday from 7 to 8 in the morning i
appreciate it. Mother of Shreyansh do exercise and yoga part of my daily
Kumar 10E routine Thankyou mam"