Page 266 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 266

Words of Appreciation

                Good morning mam,This is Srinjoy's              Respected ma'am, I am very grateful
               mother,      I am overwhelmed by the              to the online classes as it has helped

              fact that DPSN is going out of its way               my ward to continue with their
                  to do all those things which will              learning during hard times. Online

               entertain the students and keep them                 classes are an efficient way to
                healthy and fit. increased flexibility.             continue with the syllabus and

                Yoga increases muscle strength and                provides a school like  ambiance.
              tone, improves respiration, energy and           Thank you. Regards,Dibeyandu Paul.
                 vitality and helps in maintaining a                (Father of Drishita Paul, 10A)

               balanced metabolism. And the chosen                   Ma'am it was a very interesting
                  asanas in today's yoga's class has              session where we got to learn many

                 fulfilled all the purposes of doing               aasan and we also practiced. This
             yoga!!! Nibha mam has also done all the              session gave a mental peace and this

             asanas in such a nice manner so that the                turned my morning more good.
             students do not face any trouble in doing                Thanks to all the teachers for

                  this. Moresoever, the thought of                  arranging such a beautiful yoga
               including parents in this session was a                 session for our betterment.
                  remarkable one! In the midst of                  Dibyasree Chakraborty 9F

              household works and official works, we              I hope you and your family are safe
                 hardly get time to do yoga to keep               and keeping well!! Very well

               ourselves healthy. Today's session has             thought ma'am,P.E. classes would
               made us feel refreshing and energetic              bring a good change I am sure.We

               for the rest of the day!! thanks a lot to          will definitely be happy to
                                DPSN.                             participate.Let us know how

             Mother of Srinjoy Roy, 10C                           should we cooperate.

                  Thank you mam for your detailed                  Regards,  Anamika,  Mother of

              feedback. I would like to thank you and             Rigya Mishra.10D
               all the teachers who had taken time to          "Dear Sir, I would like to thank you, all
              spell out the gaps. You people are doing         the subject teachers, the Vice-Principal

              a fantastic job and please carry on your           and Principal maam. It is their hard
             good work. My salute to each one of you             work and effort because of which our

                                   !!!!                         children are able to continue with their
                Parent of Aratrika Chakravarty 9E                    education in this trying times.
                                                                                Thank you"
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