Page 265 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 265

Words of Appreciation

                          Respected Ma'am,                                Respected Principal Maam,
               We are passing through unprecedented                In normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have
                 times now which would probably be                 bothered you with my email, however the

                remembered for centuries. We are all           frightening uncertainty of Covid 19 pandemic has
              fighting it together and we will definitely      forced me to share my gratitude towards you and
              win it. I take this opportunity here to wish       your school.I am the mother of Aanvi Kundu

              everybody good health. I congratulate and         who studies in your school in class UKG - C. Ms.
                                                                Aparupa Bhowmick is the Class Teacher of her
               hail the school authorities for taking the      class.In this academic year, at the onset of Novel
             stepson the academic front for the children.      Coronavirus Covid - 19 all were worried as to how
             The online classes have been a boon for the        this year the schools will be conducted as social
             children. The expertise and the involvement           distancing plays a vital role in keeping the

               of the teachers have been praiseworthy.              children safe from the virus. But to the
                The assessments given are keeping the           wonderful surprise the schools came up with the
              children involved with their studies. But,       phenomenal idea to start the online classes which

                pardon my saying, the assignments are              came as the right booster in this uncertain
                    getting a bit of a burden on the           scenario.As we all know that teachers play a vital
                children.The online classes start from         role in the students’ life, so I really appreciate the
                                                                  pain all the teachers are taking to teach the
             morning and the parents have to make sure          students even without the black board and chalk
              that the children are involved in it perhaps      which is the age old technique and have moved a

                  even sometimes overlooking other              step forward by going with the flow of digitally
              household chores. After completion of the           teaching them with beautiful presentations.
                  classes the children needs to revise          These hardwork of the teachers is commendable

              whatever they have been taught. It would          and worth mentioning. Now, even these 5 years
                have been better if the assignments are        kids have learnt how to study online by their own
              given from whatever is start in the online        and this wouldn’t have been possible without the
               classes. If the assignments are different        teachers.Special and sincere thanks to Aparupa
             from whatever is been taught or revised the         Maam as she has taken the pain of conducting

              children tend to get over stressed with it. I      the classes for UKG - C with ease and patience
             therefore request the authorities to see this         that my daughter loves her classes. She is a
                                                                    phenomenal teacher and her teaching is
               issue with empathy and make necessary               commendable.Meanwhile, I would like to

                changes. I thank them again for all the          request you and all the DPS Newtown School
              effort they are checking for the benefit of      authorities to try and continue this new normal of
                the students. Wishing you good health             taking classes online untill and unless there
                                 again.                        comes a solution for the Novel Coronavirus as we
                       Regards,Sutapa Banerjee                  parents are really reluctant to send our wards to
                                                                school as these kids will not be able to follow the

                                                                SMS (Social distancing, mask and sanitization)
                                                                                 rule properly.
                                                                Yours sincerely,Aditi Paul(M/O Aanvi Kundu)
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