Page 267 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 267

Words of Appreciation

              Good morning ma'amFirst of all I really               Good Evening Sir, I would like to
               appreciate the initiative taken by DPS               thank you and all the teachers for

               Newtown for organising online Yoga                      the initiatives you have been
              Workshop . It was really beneficial for                 taking for the well being of the
                 relaxing our body and mind.It  has                  children as well as for supporting

             helped in reducing  stress and anxiety. It               them for their upcoming ICSE
              was a very good and healthy start of the                exams. Taking online classes is

                day.The video presentation was very                    not easy. Thankyou so much!
               informative. Looking forward to more                     Parent of Anvik Ghosh 11A

                   such workshops.Thanking you.                    "Dear Anwesha maam, havng you
              Sumitra BhattacharyaMother of Ellora                  as Swayam's class teacher we are

                        BhattacharyaClass X-C                      very happy. I have personally seen
                                                                  you taking a class and its awesome.
              Hello,I am Suma. my son,                              You take care of each and every

              Lalitkishore is studying in Class 1-                student  in class. We had a fear that
              A.  This mail is to convey our                        since Swayam was from another

              sincere thanks to the entire team of                    school he might not be able to
              DPS, Newtown for arranging                           adjust with the new surroundings,
              wonderful online classes for the                     but with your mental support and

              students, especially those who are                    caring attitude Swayam has been
              in lower classes. Efforts of the                     able to blend with the class. Thank

              teachers to make the students sit                            you so much maam."
              happily in front of the computer                       It was a very comprehensive session

              and to make them pay attention to                      and we enjoyed it very much. As we
              the classes are to be highly                         know, there are innumerable benefits of

              appreciated. The class teacher of                     yoga in both our physical and mental
              class 1-A, Ms. Mili Agarwal is                         health; also the 'asanas' ma'am had
              really proving her talent in teaching                chosen today were very comprehensible

              and meticulous management.  We                       too. Besides having the parents in too in
              are very happy with all the teachers                 such an awesome session was a delight

              who are taking classes to Class 1-A                  for me! This is overwhelming to see how
              and here expressing our thanks for                        DPSN is always ensuring their

              their sincere efforts.Thanks, and                        students' well-being even in this
              regards,                                                         lockdown period.
                                                                      Mother of Sayandeep Kundu 10A
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