Page 21 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
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Oxford West Properties I, LLLP

 Budget Comparison Report
 Managed by RISE Residential
 As of December 31, 2021

 Prior MTD                                                Prior YTD                  Current
 Month to Date 12/31/2021  12/31/2020  Year to Date 12/31/2021  12/31/2020       Fiscal Year
 Actual  Budget  Variance  Actual  Variance  Actual  Budget  Variance  Actual  Variance  Budget

 (805)  37  843  3,196  4,001  6205 - Advertising/Marketing  4,848  5,185  338  14,109  9,262  10,444
 1,099  1,250  151  1,463  364  6212 - Internet Advertising  12,879  14,150  1,270  13,829  950  30,900
 176  0  (176)  0  (176)  6214 - Brochures  176  0  (175)        0         (175)           0
 0  0  0  0  0  6215 - Signage / Flags/ Banners  160  300  140  596         436         300
 471  200  (271)  134  (337)  6218 - Leasing Promotional Activities  4,787  4,400  (387)  5,640  853  6,800
 0  0  0  8  9  6219 - Resident Promo Activities  0  0  0       17           17            0
 0  0  0  0  0  6222 - Model Expense  0  150  150              161          161         600
 0  0  0  0  0  6261 - Promotional Items  4,487  5,000  513  10,199       5,712       7,000
 (5,000)  0  5,000  0  5,000  6283 - Gift Cards and Leasing Incen-  10,000  10,000  0  25,000  15,000  10,000
 (4,059)  1,487  5,547  4,801  8,861  TOTAL MARKETING & LEASING  37,337  39,185  1,849  69,551  32,215  66,044

 1,834  1,486  (349)  1,471  (364)  6450 - C/A Electricity  8,476  6,127  (2,350)  8,008  (468)  20,175
 0  0  0  424  424  6452 - C/A Natural Gas  12  0  (12)        553          541            0
 1,834  1,486  (349)  1,895  60  TOTAL C/A UTILITIES EXPENSE  8,488  6,127  (2,362)  8,561  73  20,175

 2,629  2,147  (481)  1,263  (1,365)  6460 - Electricity Vacant Units  15,720  15,969  250  9,395  (6,325)  30,505
 26,760  24,396  (2,364)  25,116  (1,645)  6461 - Electricity Occupied Units  79,089  73,110  (5,979)  86,671  7,582  198,041
 3,693  4,818  1,124  4,445  752  6462 - Cable  22,965  24,090  1,124  22,225  (740)  57,816
 13,772  12,110  (1,661)  12,110  (1,662)  6463 - Water/Sewer Units  64,900  59,523  (5,377)  59,523  (5,377)  138,589
 7,822  6,100  (1,723)  5,210  (2,612)  6464 - Natural Gas  13,312  15,350  2,038  13,402  90  40,550
 10,180  12,200  2,020  11,534  1,355  6465 - Internet Service  52,771  61,000  8,230  57,524  4,753  146,400
 64,856  61,771  (3,085)  59,678  (5,178)  TOTAL UNIT UTILITIES EXPENSE  248,757  249,042  286  248,740  (17)  611,901
 66,690  63,257  (3,434)  61,573  (5,118)  TOTAL UTILITIES  257,245  255,169  (2,076)  257,301  56  632,076

 11,270  12,217  948  13,156  1,886  6320 - Management Fee  58,495  57,383  (1,112)  62,563  4,068  140,817
 11,270  12,217  948  13,156  1,886  TOTAL MANAGEMENT FEES  58,495  57,383  (1,112)  62,563  4,068  140,817

 113,361  118,301  4,940  124,666  11,306  TOTAL CONTROLLABLE EX-  713,493  727,296  13,804  796,055  82,561  1,531,835

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