Page 17 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
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Oxford West Properties I, LLLP

 Budget Comparison Report
 Managed by RISE Residential
 As of December 31, 2021

 Prior MTD                                                Prior YTD                  Current
 Month to Date 12/31/2021  12/31/2020  Year to Date 12/31/2021  12/31/2020       Fiscal Year
 Actual  Budget  Variance  Actual  Variance  Actual  Budget  Variance  Actual  Variance  Budget
 1,000  1,160  160  600  (400)  6228 - General Cleaning  3,896  5,800  1,904  4,360  464  13,920
 0  0  0  0  0  6231 - Background Check Employee  74  300  225  210         135         600
 450  50  (401)  218  (232)  6232 - Office Expense  2,881  1,600  (1,280)  2,161  (719)  2,550
 (1,066)  0  1,067  0  1,066  6233 - Dues & Subscriptions  0  1,066  1,066  1,324  1,325  1,316
 63  50  (14)  52  (12)  6235 - Postage  203  250  46          505          301         600
 2,471  2,504  34  2,302  (169)  6237 - Computer & Software  12,307  12,565  259  13,513  1,207  27,983
 0  0  0  0  0  6238 - Legal-Eviction / Property  0  0  0        0            0         500
 0  0  0  0  0  6239 - Parking Permits  0  0  0                424          424            0
 838  300  (538)  831  (7)  6240 - Bank Charges  4,068  2,000  (2,069)  3,996  (72)   4,100
 27  0  (27)  27  0  6241 - License & Permits  9,172  9,100  (71)  9,703    531       9,875
 441  425  (17)  435  (6)  6242 - Telephone/Answering Service  2,258  2,125  (133)  2,322  64  5,100
 121  70  (50)  50  (71)  6244 - Mobile Phones  318  350  31   195         (123)        840
 212  220  8  103  (108)  6245 - Professional Development  623  1,100  477  1,534  910  4,640
 0  0  0  0  0  6247 - Travel - Lodging  0  0  0               771          772            0
 0  0  0  0  0  6248 - Travel - Meals  0  0   0                217          217            0
 0  0  0  0  0  6251 - Travel - Vehicle Mileage/Fuel  0  0  0  201          201            0
 512  500  (12)  328  (185)  6257 - Credit Reports  2,509  2,650  142  3,235  727     5,050
 0  0  0  0  0  6258 - Uniforms  0  1,000  1,000               664          664       1,000
 56  56  (1)  58  2  6532 - Fire and Safety Monitoring Con-  1,081  1,710  629  3,014  1,934  3,532
 0  0  0  0  0  6534 - Storage  0  0          0                475          474            0
 5,125  5,335  209  5,004  (121)  TOTAL GENERAL & ADMINISTRA-  39,390  41,616  2,226  50,064  10,673  81,846

 0  0  0  0  0  6340 - Legal Fees  30  0   (31)                 29           (1)           0
 0  0  0  0  0  TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEES  30  0  (31)            29           (1)           0

 2,760  3,210  450  3,239  479  6537 - Landscaping Contract  23,279  24,650  1,371  24,238  959  43,970
 0  0  0  0  0  6540 - Electrical Contract  120  0  (120)        0         (120)           0
 415  0  (415)  437  21  6544 - Plumbing Contract  1,495  800  (695)  826  (669)      1,400
 0  1,000  1,000  1,292  1,293  6548 - Snow Removal  0  1,800  1,800  2,093  2,093    4,100
 569  459  (109)  699  130  6522 - Exterminating Contract  4,674  3,795  (879)  3,944  (730)  7,008

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