Page 24 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report 1.25.22
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Forecasted Income Statement                                                                                                                                             Property:Oxford West

                                                                           Aug 2021  Sep 2021  Oct 2021  Nov 2021  Dec 2021  Jan 2022  Feb 2022  Mar 2022  Apr 2022  May 2022  Jun 2022  Jul 2022  Total  Annual
                               Account           Account Name                Actual   Actual   Actual   Actual   Actual   Actual  Budget   Budget   Budget   Budget    Budget   Budget  Forecast  Budget  $ Variance  % Variance
                                      6465       Internet Service         12,210.88  12,210.88  6,376.83  11,791.87  10,180.05  12,210.88  12,200.00  12,200.00  12,200.00  12,200.00  12,200.00  12,200.00  138,181.39  146,400.00  8,218.61  5.61%
                                                             Total Unit Utilities  49,010.49  47,958.86  43,438.39  43,493.04  64,855.90  72,498.20  55,555.50  60,623.00  48,380.00  48,270.00  43,108.00  48,755.00  625,946.38  611,900.80  (14,045.58)  -2.30%

                                                                Total Utilities  50,866.09  49,734.50  44,912.21  45,041.47  66,690.72  75,309.79  57,571.35  62,628.90  50,383.91  50,275.90  45,113.90  50,758.91  649,287.65  632,076.16  (17,211.49)  -2.72%

                                  Management Fees
                                   6320          Management Fee           13,597.42  11,266.25  11,099.39  11,262.58  11,269.40  12,825.23  12,578.00  13,118.00  11,203.00  11,320.00  11,577.00  11,223.42  142,339.69  140,817.15  (1,522.54)  -1.08%
                                                         Total Management Fees  13,597.42  11,266.25  11,099.39  11,262.58  11,269.40  12,825.23  12,578.00  13,118.00  11,203.00  11,320.00  11,577.00  11,223.42  142,339.69  140,817.15  (1,522.54)  -1.08%

                                                                                                                                                                                      1,538,669.5  1,531,835.4
                                                       Total Controllable Expenses  276,309.62  121,120.42  101,245.59  101,457.08  113,360.37  144,063.69  123,235.27  124,661.04  113,678.76  110,299.27  99,347.49  109,890.98  (6,834.11)  -0.45%
                                                                                                                                                                                            8        7
                                                                                                                                                                                      1,946,421.7  1,988,593.3
                                                          Controllable Cash Flow  (2,946.22)  169,043.74  190,412.37  174,557.10  190,474.26  130,507.81  191,214.73  203,288.96  166,396.24  172,700.73  190,077.51  170,694.52  (42,171.58)  -2.12%
                                                                                                                                                                                            5        3
                               Taxes & Insurance
                               6710              Property Taxes           32,059.21  32,059.21  32,059.21  32,059.21  32,059.21  32,059.21  32,075.88  32,075.88  32,075.88  32,075.88  32,075.88  32,075.88  384,810.54  384,910.56  100.02  0.03%
                               6715              Other Taxes                  0.00     0.00  2,119.00    0.00     0.00  2,266.00    0.00     0.00  2,343.00    0.00     0.00  2,343.00  9,071.00  9,372.00  301.00  3.21%
                               6720              Property Insurance       16,788.32  16,080.36  16,080.36  16,080.36  16,081.40  16,410.65  16,343.00  16,343.00  16,343.00  16,343.00  16,343.00  16,343.00  195,579.45  192,225.83  (3,353.62)  -1.74%
                               6721              Other Insurance             45.25    45.25    45.25    45.25    45.25    45.25    47.51    47.51    47.51    47.51    47.51    47.51   556.56   570.12    13.56    2.38%
                               6750              Property Tax Consultant      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   150.00     0.00   875.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  1,025.00  1,025.00   0.00    0.00%
                                                         Total Taxes & Insurance  48,892.78  48,184.82  50,303.82  48,184.82  48,185.86  50,781.11  48,616.39  48,466.39  51,684.39  48,466.39  48,466.39  50,809.39  591,042.55  588,103.51  (2,939.04)  -0.50%

                                                                                                                                                                                      1,355,379.2  1,400,489.8
                                                           Net Operating Income  (51,839.00)  120,858.92  140,108.55  126,372.28  142,288.40  79,726.70  142,598.34  154,822.57  114,711.85  124,234.34  141,611.12  119,885.13  (45,110.62)  -3.22%
                                                                                                                                                                                            0        2
                                  Other Finance Related
                                   6899          Other Financial Expense      0.00     0.00     5.00     0.00     5.00     5.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    15.00     0.00    (15.00)  -100.00%
                                                       Total Other Finance Related  0.00  0.00  5.00     0.00     5.00     5.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    15.00     0.00    (15.00)  -100.00%

                                                    Total Non-Controllable Expenses  0.00  0.00  5.00    0.00     5.00     5.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    15.00     0.00    (15.00)  -100.00%

                                                                                                                                                                                      1,355,364.2  1,400,489.8
                                                     Cash Flow Before Debt Service  (51,839.00)  120,858.92  140,103.55  126,372.28  142,283.40  79,721.70  142,598.34  154,822.57  114,711.85  124,234.34  141,611.12  119,885.13  (45,125.62)  -3.22%
                                                                                                                                                                                            0        2
                               Debt Service
                                                                                                                                                                                      1,415,551.5  1,399,992.0
                               6820              Interest Expense         120,555.55  120,555.56  116,666.66  120,555.56  116,666.66  120,555.56  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  (15,559.55)  -1.11%
                                                                                                                                                                                            5        0
                                                                                                                                                                                      1,415,551.5  1,399,992.0
                                                             Total Debt Service  120,555.55  120,555.56  116,666.66  120,555.56  116,666.66  120,555.56  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  116,666.00  (15,559.55)  -1.11%
                                                                                                                                                                                            5        0
                                                                         (172,394.55                                                                                                                             -12,190.18
                                                      Cash Flow After Debt Service   303.36  23,436.89  5,816.72  25,616.74  (40,833.86)  25,932.34  38,156.57  (1,954.15)  7,568.34  24,945.12  3,219.13  (60,187.35)  497.82  (60,685.17)
                                                                                )                                                                                                                                      %
                                                                         (172,394.55                                                                                                                             -12,190.18
                                                    Cash Flow Before Deprec/Amort    303.36  23,436.89  5,816.72  25,616.74  (40,833.86)  25,932.34  38,156.57  (1,954.15)  7,568.34  24,945.12  3,219.13  (60,187.35)  497.82  (60,685.17)
                                                                                )                                                                                                                                      %
                               8000              Depreciation - FF&E       8,583.44  9,316.12  9,341.50  9,341.50  9,396.77  9,406.06  7,935.62  7,935.62  7,935.62  7,935.62  7,935.62  7,935.62  102,999.11  95,227.44  (7,771.67)  -8.16%
                               8005              Deprec Expense-Building  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  68,382.43  820,589.16  820,589.16  0.00  0.00%
                               8006              Amortization-Loan Fees   10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  10,416.27  124,995.24  124,995.24  0.00  0.00%
                                                                                                                                                                                      1,048,583.5  1,040,811.8
                                                     Total Depreciation/Amortization  87,382.14  88,114.82  88,140.20  88,140.20  88,195.47  88,204.76  86,734.32  86,734.32  86,734.32  86,734.32  86,734.32  86,734.32  (7,771.67)  -0.75%
                                                                                                                                                                                            1        4
                               Other Expenses
                               8515              Other Professional Fees      0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  2,000.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  2,000.00    0.00  (2,000.00)  -100.00%

                              Forecasted Income Statement 1.6 generated 02/18/2022 03:23 PM EST and data as of 02/18/2022 03:23 PM EST                                                                         Page 4 of 5
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