Page 19 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report 1.25.22
P. 19

Forecasted Income Statement
 Oxford West
 Jan 2022

 Aug 2021  Sep 2021  Oct 2021  Nov 2021  Dec 2021  Jan 2022  Feb 2022  Mar 2022  Apr 2022  May 2022  Jun 2022  Jul 2022  Total  Annual
 Account  Account Name  Actual  Actual  Actual  Actual  Actual  Actual  Budget  Budget  Budget  Budget  Budget  Budget  Forecast  Budget  $ Variance  % Variance
 Property: Oxford West
 Rental Income
                                                           4,627,730.0  4,624,680.0
 5120  Gross Potential Rent (GPR)  385,800.00  385,800.00  385,390.00  385,800.00  385,800.00  386,800.00  385,390.00  385,390.00  385,390.00  385,390.00  385,390.00  385,390.00  3,050.00  0.07%
                                                                 0        0
                                                           (380,410.73  (351,007.00
 5125  Gain/Loss to Lease  (28,515.78)  (34,360.55)  (35,825.00)  (33,928.40)  (35,821.00)  (40,906.00)  (28,509.00)  (28,509.00)  (28,509.00)  (28,509.00)  (28,509.00)  (28,509.00)  (29,403.73)  -8.38%
                                                                  )        )

 Cost Of Leasing
                                                           (975,610.00  (966,550.00
 5220  Rent Loss-Vacancy  (99,690.00)  (81,503.00)  (81,249.00)  (80,272.00)  (79,944.00)  (86,512.00)  (77,340.00)  (78,540.00)  (78,540.00)  (77,340.00)  (77,340.00)  (77,340.00)  (9,060.00)  -0.94%
                                                                  )        )
 5221  Rent Loss-Model  (1,415.00)  (1,415.00)  (1,415.00)  (1,415.00)  (1,415.00)  (1,415.00)  (1,500.00)  (1,500.00)  (1,500.00)  (1,500.00)  (1,500.00)  (1,500.00)  (17,490.00)  (18,000.00)  510.00  2.83%
 5222  Rent Loss-Security  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (1,480.00)  (17,760.00)  (17,760.00)  0.00  0.00%
 5223  Employee Units  (2,835.00)  (3,107.00)  (3,582.00)  (2,601.00)  (3,076.00)  (3,076.00)  (3,186.00)  (3,186.00)  (3,186.00)  (3,186.00)  (3,186.00)  (3,186.00)  (37,393.00)  (37,932.00)  539.00  1.42%
 5250  Concessions  (4,221.70)  (2,180.00)  265.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  (6,136.70)  (6,480.00)  343.30  5.30%
 5255  Bad Debt Expense  5,319.29  (5,925.76)  (83.10)  (8,073.21)  0.00  (8,724.19)  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  (14,914.50)  (32,401.47)  (23,743.20)  (8,658.27)  -36.47%
 (104,322.41  (101,207.19                                  (1,086,791.1  (1,070,465.2
 Total Cost Of Leasing  (95,610.76)  (87,544.10)  (93,841.21)  (85,915.00)  (83,506.00)  (84,706.00)  (84,706.00)  (83,506.00)  (83,506.00)  (98,420.50)  (16,325.97)  -1.53%
 )  )                                                            7)       0)
                                                           3,160,528.1  3,203,207.8
 Net Rental Income  252,961.81  255,828.69  262,020.90  258,030.39  264,064.00  244,686.81  273,375.00  272,175.00  272,175.00  273,375.00  273,375.00  258,460.50  (42,679.70)  -1.33%
                                                                 0        0
 Other Income
 5142  Furniture Income  174.00  40.00  80.00  80.00  80.00  80.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  534.00  0.00  534.00  100.00%
 5146  Relet Fee  650.00  58.28  0.00  250.00  750.00  500.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  1,250.00  500.00  250.00  4,208.28  4,900.00  (691.72)  -14.12%
 5914  Vending Income  0.00  0.00  0.00  115.55  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  115.55  0.00  115.55  100.00%
 5920  Late Charge Income  11.00  3,696.80  1,932.20  1,020.00  2,284.00  2,047.00  1,500.00  1,500.00  1,500.00  1,500.00  1,500.00  1,500.00  19,991.00  19,500.00  491.00  2.52%
 5924  NSF Check Fee Income  50.00  50.00  150.00  100.00  50.00  150.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  1,150.00  1,200.00  (50.00)  -4.17%
 5926  Administrative Fee  480.00  (1,200.00)  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  (720.00)  0.00  (720.00)  -100.00%
 5927  Resident Insurance Program  0.00  0.00  (36.00)  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  (36.00)  0.00  (36.00)  -100.00%
 5929  Hold Over Fee  2,550.00  300.00  0.00  0.00  150.00  247.19  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  3,247.19  0.00  3,247.19  100.00%
 5930  Resident Damages  4,060.74  1,460.00  540.00  390.00  390.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  1,500.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  8,340.74  5,500.00  2,840.74  51.65%
 5932  Cleaning Fee  (1,082.98)  382.14  80.00  0.00  150.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  (470.84)  2,000.00  (2,470.84)  -123.54%
 5950  Lease Termination Fees  0.00  2,500.00  2,500.00  2,500.00  5,000.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  12,500.00  0.00  12,500.00  100.00%
 5951  Application Fees  45.00  0.00  0.00  45.00  0.00  90.00  1,350.00  1,350.00  675.00  450.00  1,125.00  2,700.00  7,830.00  9,000.00  (1,170.00)  -13.00%
 5952  Onetime Pet Fee Income  6,930.00  300.00  900.00  900.00  90.00  90.00  300.00  300.00  600.00  300.00  300.00  300.00  11,310.00  12,300.00  (990.00)  -8.05%
 5953  Fines  100.81  375.00  675.00  25.00  50.00  0.00  250.00  250.00  250.00  250.00  250.00  250.00  2,725.81  2,850.00  (124.19)  -4.36%
 5954  Replmnt Keys/Cards/Lock Outs  120.00  50.00  0.00  0.00  25.00  75.00  75.00  75.00  75.00  75.00  75.00  75.00  720.00  950.00  (230.00)  -24.21%
 5956  Utility Income  4,921.02  25,073.25  21,335.86  11,058.24  29,313.63  24,815.50  35,800.00  51,000.00  2,000.00  4,000.00  11,000.00  15,000.00  235,317.50  241,771.00  (6,453.50)  -2.67%
 5957  Transfer Fees  300.00  (150.00)  0.00  0.00  0.00  500.00  500.00  0.00  0.00  500.00  0.00  750.00  2,400.00  3,000.00  (600.00)  -20.00%
 5964  Monthly Pet Rent Income  1,092.00  1,400.00  1,480.00  1,500.00  1,438.00  1,290.00  1,200.00  1,200.00  1,200.00  1,200.00  1,200.00  1,200.00  15,400.00  14,250.00  1,150.00  8.07%
 Total Other Income  20,401.59  34,335.47  29,637.06  17,983.79  39,770.63  29,884.69  41,075.00  55,775.00  7,900.00  9,625.00  16,050.00  22,125.00  324,563.23  317,221.00  7,342.23  2.31%

                                                           3,485,091.3  3,520,428.8
 Total Income  273,363.40  290,164.16  291,657.96  276,014.18  303,834.63  274,571.50  314,450.00  327,950.00  280,075.00  283,000.00  289,425.00  280,585.50  (35,337.47)  -1.00%
                                                                 3        0
 Controllable Expenses
 Payroll Office
 6091  Community Assistants  2,656.50  993.35  877.34  543.40  451.00  802.13  1,716.67  1,716.67  1,716.67  1,716.67  1,716.67  1,716.67  16,623.74  21,600.04  4,976.30  23.04%
 6093  Leasing Manager Payroll  3,126.02  3,171.85  3,171.85  3,171.85  3,171.84  3,173.34  3,433.33  3,433.33  3,433.33  3,433.33  3,433.33  3,433.33  39,586.73  41,199.96  1,613.23  3.92%
 6330  General Manager  5,551.87  5,633.12  5,633.12  5,633.12  5,633.12  5,636.12  5,579.17  5,579.17  5,579.17  5,579.17  5,579.17  5,579.17  67,195.49  66,950.04  (245.45)  -0.37%

 Forecasted Income Statement 1.6 generated 02/18/2022 03:23 PM EST and data as of 02/18/2022 03:23 PM EST  Page 1 of 5
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