Page 20 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report 1.25.22
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Forecasted Income Statement                                                                                                                                             Property:Oxford West

                                                                           Aug 2021  Sep 2021  Oct 2021  Nov 2021  Dec 2021  Jan 2022  Feb 2022  Mar 2022  Apr 2022  May 2022  Jun 2022  Jul 2022  Total  Annual
                               Account           Account Name                Actual   Actual   Actual   Actual   Actual   Actual  Budget   Budget   Budget   Budget    Budget   Budget  Forecast  Budget  $ Variance  % Variance
                                      6332       Assistant General Manager  3,837.84  3,894.56  3,894.56  3,894.56  3,894.56  3,894.56  3,862.50  3,862.50  3,862.50  3,862.50  3,862.50  3,862.50  46,485.64  46,350.00  (135.64)  -0.29%
                                      6335       Leasing Salaries          3,161.82  1,432.50   0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  4,594.32  3,162.00  (1,432.32)  -45.30%
                                      6338       Property Bonuses             0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  3,348.00    0.00     0.00  3,348.00    0.00     0.00  6,696.00  10,044.00  3,348.00  33.33%
                                      6339       Leasing Bonuses           2,950.00    0.00  3,191.17  637.31     0.00  7,859.23    0.00     0.00  6,233.00    0.00     0.00  6,233.00  27,103.71  27,882.00  778.29  2.79%
                                                            Total Payroll Office  21,284.05  15,125.38  16,768.04  13,880.24  13,150.52  21,365.38  17,939.67  14,591.67  20,824.67  17,939.67  14,591.67  20,824.67  208,285.63  217,188.04  8,902.41  4.10%

                                     Payroll Maintenance
                                      6510       Maintenance Salaries      6,518.28  4,695.62  4,174.15  4,643.65  4,686.39  4,862.14  3,933.33  3,933.33  3,433.33  3,433.33  3,433.33  3,433.33  51,180.21  46,649.96  (4,530.25)  -9.71%
                                      6511       Maintenance Supervisor    4,263.74  4,326.24  4,326.24  4,326.24  4,326.24  4,326.25  4,291.67  4,291.67  4,291.67  4,291.67  4,291.67  4,291.67  51,644.97  51,500.04  (144.93)  -0.28%
                                                        Total Payroll Maintenance  10,782.02  9,021.86  8,500.39  8,969.89  9,012.63  9,188.39  8,225.00  8,225.00  7,725.00  7,725.00  7,725.00  7,725.00  102,825.18  98,150.00  (4,675.18)  -4.76%

                                     Payroll Related Expenses
                                      6108       Payroll Fees               269.30   269.30   195.83   131.81   141.26   138.90   194.92   194.92   194.92   194.92   194.92   194.92  2,315.92  2,339.04  23.12    0.99%
                                      6711       State Unemployment Tax     359.05   282.96   167.42   162.80    30.22  1,309.25  283.80   113.05   405.43   258.30    87.55   323.83  3,783.66  5,815.94  2,032.28  34.94%
                                      6712       Federal Unemployment        32.15    25.36    14.30     3.26     2.71   167.49    33.39    13.30    39.00    20.09     0.00    37.40   388.45   579.24   190.79   32.94%
                                      6713       Employer Portion of FICA  2,109.42  1,966.89  1,576.95  1,886.16  1,589.48  2,210.44  2,001.60  1,745.48  2,184.05  1,963.35  1,707.23  2,184.05  23,125.10  24,123.38  998.28  4.14%
                                      6722       Workers Compensation       287.13   243.07   228.67   239.29   240.32   242.85   259.56   249.85   266.48   258.11   248.40   266.48  3,030.21  3,118.68  88.47    2.84%
                                      6723       Health Insurance Expense  1,983.00  1,578.58  1,780.79  2,181.22  1,578.58  2,011.60  1,955.54  1,955.54  1,955.54  1,955.54  1,955.54  1,955.54  22,847.01  23,466.48  619.47  2.64%
                                      6724       Dental & Vision Insurance  230.86   200.84   127.80   142.14   142.14   125.08   142.16   142.16   142.16   142.16   142.16   142.16  1,821.82  1,705.92  (115.90)  -6.79%
                                      6725       Long/Short Term Disability  21.10    20.65   (11.74)   (0.95)   (0.95)    7.17   211.93   184.82   231.25   207.88   180.77   231.25  1,283.18  2,554.24  1,271.06  49.76%
                                      6726       Life Insurance              81.49    72.50    71.75    72.00    72.00    74.50     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   444.24     0.00   (444.24)  -100.00%
                                      6730       401k Contributions Expense  69.40    70.42    70.42    70.42    70.42   108.10   152.35   152.35   152.35   152.35   152.35   152.35  1,373.28  1,828.20  454.92  24.88%
                                                     Total Payroll Related Expenses  5,442.90  4,730.57  4,222.19  4,888.15  3,866.18  6,395.38  5,235.25  4,751.47  5,571.18  5,152.70  4,668.92  5,487.98  60,412.87  65,531.12  5,118.25  7.81%

                                                                Total Payroll  37,508.97  28,877.81  29,490.62  27,738.28  26,029.33  36,949.15  31,399.92  27,568.14  34,120.85  30,817.37  26,985.59  34,037.65  371,523.68  380,869.16  9,345.48  2.45%

                                  General & Administrative
                                   6116          Recruiting & Hiring          0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   272.65     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   272.65   240.00    (32.65)  -13.60%
                                   6228          General Cleaning          1,189.79  106.50   600.00  1,000.00  1,000.00  26.49  1,160.00  1,160.00  1,160.00  1,160.00  1,160.00  1,160.00  10,882.78  13,920.00  3,037.22  21.82%
                                   6231          Background Check Employee   74.25     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   150.00     0.00     0.00   150.00     0.00     0.00   374.25   600.00   225.75   37.63%
                                   6232          Office Expense            1,114.01  396.44   206.98   712.36   450.64   765.51   350.00    50.00    50.00   350.00    50.00    50.00  4,545.94  2,550.00  (1,995.94)  -78.27%
                                   6233          Dues & Subscriptions         0.00     0.00     0.00  1,066.00  (1,066.00)  250.00  0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   250.00  1,316.00  1,066.00  81.00%
                                   6235          Postage                     21.83    87.90    15.39    15.43    63.08     0.00    50.00    50.00    50.00    50.00    50.00    50.00   503.63   600.00    96.37   16.06%
                                   6237          Computer & Software       2,229.97  3,222.79  2,247.26  2,135.53  2,470.89  2,175.98  2,044.00  2,044.00  2,044.00  2,044.00  2,044.00  2,044.00  26,746.42  27,983.00  1,236.58  4.42%
                                   6238          Legal-Eviction / Property    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   500.00   500.00   100.00%
                                   6240          Bank Charges               820.12   819.12   734.83   857.09   837.41   741.90   300.00   300.00   300.00   300.00   300.00   300.00  6,610.47  4,100.00  (2,510.47)  -61.23%
                                   6241          License & Permits         9,090.00    0.00    27.08    27.08    27.08    27.08     0.00   325.00   450.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  9,973.32  9,875.00  (98.32)  -1.00%
                                   6242          Telephone/Answering Service  450.95  452.79  450.58   462.34   441.54   450.43   425.00   425.00   425.00   425.00   425.00   425.00  5,258.63  5,100.00  (158.63)  -3.11%
                                   6244          Mobile Phones               49.61    49.50    49.49    49.49   120.55   117.86    70.00    70.00    70.00    70.00    70.00    70.00   856.50   840.00    (16.50)  -1.96%
                                   6245          Professional Development   101.32   103.26   103.26   103.26   211.72   103.26  2,220.00  220.00   220.00   220.00   220.00   220.00  4,046.08  4,640.00  593.92  12.80%
                                   6257          Credit Reports             623.17  1,013.47  199.68   159.73   512.38     0.00   100.00   600.00   700.00   300.00   300.00   300.00  4,808.43  5,050.00  241.57   4.78%
                                   6258          Uniforms                     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00  1,000.00  1,000.00  100.00%
                                   6532          Fire and Safety Monitoring Contract  487.66  105.02  332.14  100.00  56.37  0.00  771.00   56.00    56.00   771.00    56.00    56.00  2,847.19  3,532.00  684.81  19.39%
                                                      Total General & Administrative  16,252.68  6,356.79  4,966.69  6,688.31  5,125.66  4,931.16  7,640.00  5,300.00  5,525.00  5,840.00  4,675.00  4,675.00  77,976.29  81,846.00  3,869.71  4.73%

                                  Professional Fees
                                   6340          Legal Fees                   0.00     0.00    30.50     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    30.50     0.00    (30.50)  -100.00%
                                                          Total Professional Fees  0.00  0.00  30.50     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    30.50     0.00    (30.50)  -100.00%

                                  Contract Services
                                   6522          Exterminating Contract    1,483.08  1,505.92  547.42  568.72   568.72   568.72   459.00   459.00   459.00   459.00   459.00   459.00  7,996.58  7,008.00  (988.58)  -14.11%
                                   6525          Garbage                   2,466.12  4,721.61  2,071.03  3,652.11  2,826.88  2,551.00  2,400.00  2,400.00  2,400.00  2,400.00  4,200.00  2,400.00  34,488.75  35,000.00  511.25  1.46%
                                   6537          Landscaping Contract      7,499.38  7,499.38  2,760.13  2,760.13  2,760.13  2,760.13  2,760.00  2,760.00  2,760.00  2,760.00  2,760.00  2,760.00  42,599.28  43,970.00  1,370.72  3.12%
                                   6540          Electrical Contract        120.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00   120.00     0.00   (120.00)  -100.00%

                              Forecasted Income Statement 1.6 generated 02/18/2022 03:23 PM EST and data as of 02/18/2022 03:23 PM EST                                                                         Page 2 of 5
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