Page 27 - Luce 2020
P. 27


            Dr Ailsa Thomson Zainu’ddin       Diana Jane Griffin (Rouse 1970)   Jane Christian Price (Webb 1952)
            (Thomson 1945)                    22 October 1952 – 16 June 2019    25 September 1934 – 14 April 2018
            8 April 1927 – 25 March 2019

                              Ailsa Thomson                     Diana Jane was                   A resident of
                              Zainu’ddin was                    the eldest of                    Janet Clarke Hall
                              a distinguished                   four children                    from 1952-1956,
                              scholar whose                     of Edmund and                    Jane graduated
                              deep interest                     Dorothy Rouse.                   from Melbourne
                              in Indonesian                     She was born                     University LLB
                              history and                       in Launceston                    and began a legal
                              culture found                     and her primary                  career in family
                              expression in                     education was                    law.
            A Short History of Indonesia (1968).   at Broadland House, the same school   Jane married Simon Price and they
            Educated at Methodist Ladies’ College   that JCH Fellow and Nobel Laureate Dr   settled in Glen Iris, raising three
            in Kew (and later writing its centenary   Elizabeth Blackburn attended.  daughters –Jenny, Julie and Jodie
            history They Dreamt of A School,
            1982), she entered Janet Clarke Hall in   She boarded at Clyde in Woodend for   A committed Christian, Jane fulfilled
            1945, keeping a diary during her two   her secondary education, matriculating   many administrative and pastoral roles at
            years in College. She graduated from   in 1969 as Dux of the school. Some of   the Anglican parish of St James. Notably,
            the University with honours in History   her subjects in the sciences were studied   she published a book of prayers for
            and English in 1947 and was invited to   by correspondence and through Kyneton   parish use. Until her death she presided
            join the History Department. Beyond   High School.                  over the religious discussion group she
            tutoring, Ailsa was active in the Student                           founded at the Lyceum Club, introducing
            Christian Movement during her years at   Diana Jane was a resident of Janet Clarke   speakers on topics across the religious
            Melbourne, graduating with a Master’s   Hall for three years and graduated in   spectrum. This group continues in her
            in History and moving to Canberra to   1972 with a Science degree, majoring   memory.
            serve as a research assistant to Manning   in chemistry. She went on to work as
            Clark at Canberra University College   a research scientist in Melbourne for   A group of women lawyers met monthly
            from 1952 to 1954.                Dunlop. This was followed by a period   in her home from 1975 for some years.
                                              of travelling the world before settling   Jane’s strong faith and sense of social
            While in Canberra Ailsa met and fell   in Sydney. She married Alastair Griffin   justice attracted an award for community
            in love with the Indonesian diplomat   whom she had met at the end of her   service in the City of Stonnington. With
            (and former freedom fighter) Zainu’ddin,   first year at university. They lived and   Simon, she played a leading role in
            moving to Jakarta where they were   worked in London and New York in the   the Malvern Elderly Citizens Welfare
            married in December 1954. Working   1980s, taking the opportunity to travel   Association development to become
            for the Indonesian Ministry of Education   in Europe where she indulged her love   MECWA, one of Melbourne’s leading
            on the establishment of English as the   of all things French, of snow skiing and   aged care agencies.
            nation’s first foreign language (a forward-  of music – interests that stayed with her
            looking decision given its history as   all her life.               Jane died in 2018 after a short illness.
            a Dutch colony), the couple returned                                Many of her JCH friends attended her
            to Australia in 1956 where Zainu’ddin   Diana Jane and Alastair became parents   funeral, paying tribute to her life of
            had been appointed first Indonesian   to Hamish, Philippa and Natasha and   service to others.
            language teacher in the newly     her growing family became the centre
            established Department of Indonesian   of her world. She was a devoted wife   Angela Grutzner (Parker 1952)
            Studies at the University of Melbourne.   and mother and a kind, loyal and
                                              caring friend, keeping in contact with
            Alongside caring for two daughters,   friends from all stages of her life. She
            Nila and Lisa, upon their return to   was delighted to reconnect with the
            Melbourne, Ailsa studied for a Bachelor   JCH community when she attended the
            of Education, graduating from the   1970s reunion in 2008.
            University in 1964.  In 1965, she joined
            Monash University’s newly established   She was hugely energetic and
            Faculty of Education as its first lecturer   enthusiastic in all that she did, with a
            in the history of education. From 1975   great generosity of spirit – qualities that
            to 1982 Ailsa was President of the   endeared her to her family and many
            Australian and New Zealand History of   friends.
            Education Society (ANZHES). In 1983
            she was awarded a PhD from Monash   Jenny Ross (1970)
            University for her centenary history of
            MLC. She retired from Monash as a
            Senior Lecturer in 1992.

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