Page 30 - Luce 2020
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Janet Clarke Hall
Donations and Scholarships
The College is deeply grateful to Dr Gail Littlejohn The funds provided by donors Sarah Stock Scholars
the following philanthropic bodies Mrs Helen Lloyd allowed the following College Lotte Beckett
for their support of scholarships The Very Rev’d Dr Andreas scholarships to be awarded in 2019: Maggie Little
in 2019: Loewe & Dr Katherine Firth
Dr Katherine Lubbe Janet, Lady Clarke Scholar AF Bage Scholar
The Compass Group (Chartwells) Mrs Fiona Maslen Alice Wang Annabel Weiss
The May Dunn Trust Dr Ellen Maxwell
The Peggy and Leslie Mrs Heather McKenzie Chair of Council’s Scholar G Maudsley Scholar
Cranbourne Foundation Mrs Elizabeth Meredith Eleanor McCormack Allegra McCormack
The Vera Moore Foundation Ms Bronwen Moncrieff
The William Angliss (Victoria) Mrs Gillian Montgomery May Dunn Scholars FC Stainbridge Scholar
Charitable Fund Mrs Felicity Moore Caitlin Brennan Carol Isaac
The Reid Malley Foundation Mrs Susan Morgan Bethany Cherry
The family of Cecily Faith Mrs Louise Morris L Lewis Scholar
Statham Dr Heather Munro AO William Angliss Scholars Maria Gatto
An anonymous Trust Professor Robert Nicol James Gallagher
Mr John Nunns and Emily Mannix Principal’s Scholar
The College is deeply grateful Ms Ros Nunns William Bonwick
to alumni and friends for their Mrs Elizabeth Oliver Chartwells Scholar
donations to the College in Mrs Janet Paisley OAM Shaveen Bogahapitya Gammage Fay Marles Scholar
2019. It acknowledges donations Dr Mary Playford Planning Saw Mara Quach
received from: Ms Victoria Ponsford
Dr Sally Adams Mrs Nancy Price First in Family Scholars Cecily Faith Stratham Scholar
Miss Wendy Addis Ms Clare Pullar & Gypsy Ahkyar Riley Maddeford
Ms Julie Ager Mr David Pullar Keely Moggach
Mrs Diana Alexander Ms Alice Pung Sidney Ruthven Olive Mence (Wykes) Scholar
Mrs Jocelyn Allen Mrs Margaret Purvis Nathan Britt
Dr Terri Allen Dr Joanna Pyper Janet Reid (Malley) Scholars
Ms Jan Andrews Mrs Ann Renkin Gypsy Ahkyar Jennifer Taplin Scholars
Dr Valerie Asche AM† Ms Margaret Richardson Miriam Lewis Bridget Seiter
Ms Jan Barnard Ms Shelley Roberts Annabel Weiss
Mr Zac Beaumont Professor Doreen Rosenthal AO James Rapley Memorial Scholar
Ms Tricia Blombery Professor Susan Sawyer Nathan Britt Margaret Henderson Scholars
Mrs Glenda Bowen Pain AM Dr Mary Schramm Miriam Lewis
Mr Peter Cameron Mrs Angela Speagle Kenneth Moore Memorial Music Lily Li
Mrs Morfydd Campbell The Right Rev’d Andrew Scholars Tommy Li
Dr Fiona Caro St John DD Abigail Hayward
Assoc Prof Catherine Cherry Dr John Swain Joshua Hooke Enid Joske Centenary Scholar
Mrs Diana Cherry Mrs Susan Sypkens Keely Moggach Mr James Carey
Mrs Jean Cockayne Mrs Helen Todd
Ms Frances Coogan Agar Ms Jane Tribe Vera Moore Scholars Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne
Mrs Anne Court Mr Noel Turnbull Angus Blenkiron Artist-in-Residence
Ms Meredith Creightmore Mr Paul Turner Nathan Britt Ms Alice Pung
Mrs Elizabeth Cunningham Mrs Mary Tyler† Ella Doble
Mrs Rosalie Dance Prof Sally Walker AM Monique Gilham Kenneth Moore Memorial
Dr June Danks Mrs Barbara Ward-Ambler Alice O’Keefe Music Scholar
Mrs Donna Davies Ms Pera Wells Hilly Pammer-Green Dr Anna Goldsworthy
Mrs Hilary Day Prof Judith Whitworth AC Jack Perry
Mrs Katharine Derham Moore Professor Julie Willis Bridget Seiter Janet Clarke Hall
Ms Virginia Duigan Mrs Christine Wilson Entrance Scholars
Mrs Jaan Enden Mrs Ruth Wilson† Phyllis Fry Scholar Aditya Bhat
Mrs Floranne Everson Mrs Mary Young Alyssa Moohin Abigail Hayward
Ms. Natalia Evertsz Sunny Lu
Dr Barbara Fary OAM Anonymous donors Janet Clarke Hall Society Scholar Marie Vølstad
Professor Ruth Fincher AM Wendy Lin Charlotte Webster
Dr Susan Foster The College gratefully Phil Yang
Ms Joyce Francis acknowledges bequests from: Yvonne Aitken Scholar
Dr Beverley Gillard The Estate of College Fellow Courtney Brown Janet Clarke Hall Scholars
Ms Julie Goode the Late Dr Valerie Asche AM Iris Lin
Ms Amanda Gordon (James 1952) Betty Elliott Scholars Planning Saw
Mrs Rosemary Grant The Estate of the Late Mrs Ruth Sarah Bourne Kenta Yokote
Mrs Judith Gregory Wilson (1953) Maya Hall
Mrs Angela Grutzner The Estate of the Late Ms Patricia Rose Lin
Mr Hugh Gundlach Hammond Reid (Ferrier 1950) Anonymous bursary recipients
Mrs Alexandra Hamilton AR Grice Scholar (College bursaries are kept
Dr Margaret Harper The College gratefully Ella James confidential to the College, the
Mrs Robina Henry acknowledges bequests generously donor and the recipient).
Mr Stephen Higgs OAM promised by: M Buesst Scholar
Mrs Jill Howie Ms Julie Ager Matthew Forrest The College has endeavoured to
Mrs Danielle Hyndes OAM Mrs Susan Morgan report accurately on all donations
Mr William Jobling Ms Margaret Richardson N McDougall Scholar and apologises for any errors or
Professor Ann Kupa Mrs Susan Sypkens Sienna Schuele omissions in this list.
Mrs Janet Limb AO Anonymous testators
30 LUCE Number 18 2019