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Enid Florence Hookey (1972) Right Reverend James Alexander Grant AM
24 December 1954 – 3 May 2019 30 August 1931 – 10 July 2019
Enid was brought In the early 1980s, Enid began to The College
up on a property suffer repetitive strain injury in both acknowledges,
at the foot of the wrists, which effectively stopped her in sadness, the
Warby Ranges, from playing piano and harpsichord. passing of Bishop
near Glenrowan Eventually, she retrained in computing James Grant, who
in country then studied accountancy and qualified gave distinguished
Victoria. Growing as a certified public accountant (CPA), service to
up among five specialising in accountancy software. the College
brothers, Enid Council over
acquired many of the attributes that She worked freelance before joining seventeen years, from 1978 to 1996,
served her well in later life – bush skills, ORACLE, the large multinational as a representative of the Diocese of
self-sufficiency and a willingness to computer technology corporation in Melbourne.
tackle new things. Her early education 2003. She worked there for ten years.
was at Glenrowan Primary and During her years at Lowther Hall, Enid Bishop Grant (known to us affectionately
Wangaratta High Schools, where she had settled in Kensington, and became as Bishop Jim) was a giant in Anglican
was active in sport, joined the school interested in preserving the heritage and circles, whose wisdom and knowledge
choir and was a prefect in her final year. character of this village-like suburb, as were often drawn upon by the College
well as of neighbouring suburbs. She during his years on Council and
In 1972 she moved to Melbourne to joined local residents’ action groups and thereafter until the time of his death. His
undertake a Bachelor of Music at the was an active member of the National understanding of the legal and historical
Conservatorium and later a Diploma of Trust. tapestry which bound Trinity and JCH
Education (1978). In her first year at JCH before the ‘Great Divorce’ (formal
she shared a room with Kristin Headlam Enid loved the outdoors and enjoyed separation in 1961) was second to none.
(1972) who remained a good friend. being with young people, and in
2010 she joined the 6th Melbourne Dr Powell reflected on Bishop Jim’s
Enid studied piano under Margaret Scout Troop as a leader, planning and friendship and support over the many
Schofield and Ronald Farren-Price. undertaking many ventures. A kind and years they had known each other,
She also played the harpsichord. JCH patient leader, Enid retired from scouting including his helpfulness and acute
recognised her musical talent: ‘The in 2017. understanding of the historical, legal and
piano solos of the concert were, indeed, theological ties which exist between
all notably good: later Enid Hookey Enid never lost her love of music, our two Colleges. ‘Bishop Jim had an
explored Debussy’s little-known and dance and theatre. In the last few encyclopedic knowledge of Anglican
very witty Homage a Samuel Pickwick years she took up playing the piano Melbourne and its institutions,’ Dr
displaying in her performance both very again, particularly in duets with Kristin Powell noted, ‘and was always generous
good taste and a very good memory.’ Headlam (1972) and clarinettist Hugh in helping me better to understand the
(Fleur-de-Lys 1973) Bassett. nuances of our institutional histories.’
After completing her BMus and DipEd, In 2017, Enid was diagnosed with Dean of Melbourne from 1985 to 1999
Enid moved to Western Australia to oesophageal cancer. She remained and Acting Warden of Trinity College
complete a Master’s Preliminary in strong and determined in the face of in 1974, Bishop Grant was an eminent
Music. While there, she also ran a this disease – planning and undertaking historian whose writings include The
student radio station! She returned to activities right up to the last few weeks Melbourne Scene, 1803-1856 (with
Melbourne to take up a position as of her life. She was a kind and generous Geoffrey Serle, 1957) and Episcopally
music teacher at Lowther Hall Anglican person, easy-going, calm, hard-working Led and Synodically Governed:
Grammar in Essendon and later at and very committed to her special Anglicans in Victoria 1803–1997
Marian College in Sunshine West. In projects as well as her family and (2010). His 1972 Perspective of a
1982, Enid travelled to Salzburg, Austria friends. She left this world a better but Century offers powerful insights into the
to take up a Fellowship to the Carl sadder place. formation and progress of both Colleges.
Orff Institute, taking the opportunity to
explore parts of Europe and indulge a Paula H Jones Bishop Grant is survived by his wife Ms
life-long love of travel. (Friend and colleague from Lowther Hall) Rowena Armstrong AO, QC, a former
Advocate for the Melbourne diocese
Enid married partner John Widmer in who was Chief Parliamentary Counsel
1992, in Tasmania. She shared many for Victoria for fifteen years.
outdoor adventures with John – hiking
and bike riding – as well as concerts Janet Clarke Hall joins with Trinity
and the theatre. College and the Diocese of Melbourne
in marking, with respect and gratitude,
the life of this remarkable churchman.
28 LUCE Number 18 2019