Page 29 - Luce 2020
P. 29
Sally Stocken (Dishon 1960)
10 October 1942 – 7 August 2019
Sally was born herself, producing her own outfits. Even Sally married Englishman, Oliver
in Dumfries then, she had to have matching shoes Stocken, and they made their home
Scotland, her and bags. We had an advantage in that in London and had three children.
mother having we were the same size so we would Sally’s passions were her children and
been evacuated constantly raid each other’s wardrobes! grandchildren, travel, watching sport,
from her home and her garden – she developed a
city of Newcastle- The travel bug was upon us, even at magnificent garden at their country
on-Tyne. Sally’s that early age. At the end of first year, house in Sussex.
father was five of us, including our mutual lifelong
working for the Australian government friend, Jaan Enden (1960 JCH Fellow), Sally kept in close contact with her old
in England. went driving around Tasmania. Our JCH friends, often visiting Australia. Her
parents must have been very trusting (or Wimbledon home welcomed so many
Sally and her mother came to Australia foolhardy) as only one of us could drive, of these old friends and their children,
at the end of the War, later to be and not all that well! some for very extended stays.
followed by her father. The family lived
in the Western District and Sally went Sally was funny, clever, interesting Sadly, early in her marriage, she
to the local primary school, and later and very popular. She was involved in contracted a very debilitating form of
to Hamilton High School where she everything. If there was a College play, Parkinson’s disease, which she battled
excelled as a student. she was in it; films, plays, concerts, for many long years, but never lost her
parties she was there. And she was spirit, courage, enthusiasm and passion
In 1960, Sally entered Janet Clarke Hall, certainly practical and organised enough for life.
where she remained for four very happy to make sure she studied and passed all
years as a resident, graduating BA (Hons) her exams! A very brave lady.
majoring in Geography.
As far as parties go, there was one Jaan Enden (1960 JCH Fellow) and
Upon arriving at JCH, Janet Reid particularly momentous occasion. Some Janet Reid (Malley 1960)
(Malley 1960) fondly recalls… students from Oxford had come to visit
Melbourne University
‘a beautiful young girl with red hair and Sally met a tall, dark,
and big, brown eyes, full of vigour and good-looking boy in a red
enthusiasm, saying to me: “I’m Sally, you shirt who she thought was
must be Janet. We’re going to be sharing rather nice. But Sally was
a study and we’re going to be friends”. “going steady” at the time,
We both loved clothes and dressing so that went nowhere.
up. Parties, 21st birthdays, dances and Some years later, after
balls, but also tutorials and lectures – we we had completed our
dressed up for all of these things. We degrees, we went to
wore suits to lectures. All of this cost England at about the same
a lot of money that we didn’t have. So time. She said to me one
Sally started making her own dresses. day “you remember that
We often spent a Saturday afternoon fellow in the red shirt, do
with Sally and my mother sewing. you think I should give Left to right Jo Karaolis (Fenton 1960),Sally Stocken
While I relied on my mother to keep him a call?” As they say, (Dishon 1960), Anne Williams (1960), Jaan Enden, Janet
me looking splendid, Sally managed this the rest is history!’ Reid (Malley)
The College acknowledges, in sympathy, those deceased alumni of whom it has become aware since the previous edition.
Together with the accompanying obituaries, the College has also learned of the following deaths in our community.
We extend our sympathy to the families of these alumnae:
Jill Everist (1951) Dr Lorna Baird (Murfitt 1947) Ruth Valerie Wilson (1953)
27 January 1932 – 2 July 2017 1929 – June 2018 10 February 1935 – 5 October 2019
Patricia Hammond Reid (Ferrier 1950) Cynthia Wagg (Sterling 1942) Jessie Catherine Serle OAM
9 February 1932 –19 October 2017 3 May 1924 – 8 October 2018 (Macdonald 1949)
24 January 1930 – 8 November 2019
Elizabeth Anne MacDonald
(Hallowes 1949)
1930 – 2 October 2019
J anet Clarke Hall 29