Page 16 - Luce 2016
P. 16

S enior  C o mmon  Ro om

   With David Morrison

                               From the


                               2016 was rich in events that
                               celebrated Janet Clarke Hall’s
                               strong sense of community.

                               In O Week we welcomed our
                               returning students and began the
          year with a ‘Welcome to Country’ ceremony with Wurundjeri
          Elder, Aunty Di Kerr. The ceremony gave everyone the
          opportunity to pause, to reflect on the cultural heritage of
          the land on which Janet Clarke Hall is built and to gather as
          a community to celebrate the beginning of the year. Another
          highlight of the year was the intercollegiate rowing regatta,
          as we gathered on the banks of the Yarra River to support   Nadia Mazarakis, Brian Kennedy, Xavier Cadorel, Richard Liu
          the women’s and men’s first eight rowing crews. The rowers
          showed great determination, courage and bounteous    other members of the THRIVE Research hub received a grant
          JCH spirit.                                        for The Living Well Project from the Green City Innovation
                                                             Fund, a sub-fund of Australians Communities Foundation. The
          We also chose to screen the documentary film, The Hunting   research will focus on modelling the resilience of Melbourne’s
          Ground, generating important and ongoing discussion around   social housing during a heatwave event, while proposing
          the prevention of sexual assault on and off campus. I was most   retrofitting solutions and policy reform.  Xavier also received
          impressed by the mature and thoughtful manner in which   the 2016 Enid Joske Scholarship for his contribution to the
          our students approached the discussions and suggested ways   life of Janet Clarke Hall and the wider community.  After
          to empower young people to ensure the safety of male and   five years as a residential tutor, Xavier has decided to focus
          female university students and to support victims of sexual   on his lecturing and research in the School of Design at the
          violence.                                          University of Melbourne.

          In 2016, Janet Clarke Hall welcomed three new residential   As I reflect on the events of 2016, I would like to congratulate
          tutors, Ms Caroline Hart, Ms Shan Windscript and Mr Brian   the students of the College on a wonderful year and to thank
          Kennedy, who brought teaching and professional skills gained   them for their contribution to the College community and for
          from secondary, and tertiary education, and from the Bar. The   their endless JCH spirit.
          residential tutor team engaged wholeheartedly in the life of the
          College, participating in intercollegiate sporting events, College   Ms Fiona Cadorel
          dinners and special events. They played a dynamic role in the   Vice-Principal
          mentoring of our students both academically and pastorally,
          demonstrating great care which undoubtedly contributed to
          the outstanding academic success of our students.

          Some of the achievements of Dr Richard Liu, Ms Julia Hastings,
          Ms Shan Windscript and Mr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston are
          covered elsewhere. Nadia Mazarakis gained confirmation of
          her PHD research on a possible new treatment for asthma
          and allergy sufferers. Nadia conducted her research at the
          Australian Synchrotron using FTIR microspectroscopy.

          Among other achievements, Shan Windscript attended and
          presented at the 2016 AAS-in-Asia Conference at Doshisha
          University, Kyoto, Japan. She also coordinated a conference,
          ‘Bombard the Headquarters - China’s Cultural Revolution:
          Perspectives After Fifty Years’, curating an exhibition of
          material from the Baillieu Library. Her efforts led to Shan
          participating in the documentary The Cultural Revolution:
          50 Years After produced by Radio Television Hong Kong.

          In 2016 Xavier Cadorel was awarded the Architecture Building
          and Planning (ABP) award for Teaching Excellence and his
          teaching team was also awarded the ABP award for the most
          Innovative Teaching Program. In July, Xavier was invited by
          the Australian Sustainable Building Environment Council to
          participate in a two-day conference in Adelaide to discuss
          the future of Australian Building Codes. In August Xavier and                      At the College Ball

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