Page 20 - Luce 2016
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Council News
of Margaret Henderson House – as well as involvement in
more theoretical areas including College governance. Always
willing to put forward an independent viewpoint, and able to
articulate her views clearly, Doreen combined these gifts with
a capacity for great warmth and friendship.
In December, Council was delighted to offer a further five-
year term to our Principal, Dr Damian Powell. The College
has flourished under his leadership, and we – a small group
including the Principal – took the opportunity during 2016 for
reflection on the challenges and achievements of the past five
years and directions for the next five years.
Out of that reflection, the following description emerged of
the Janet Clarke Hall: ‘A leading academic College, fostering
Margie meets His Holiness Pope Francis during the Anglican a college environment with a mature, thoughtful and
Centre in Rome’s Fiftieth Anniversary considerate culture in which people feel the obligation to
From the Chair of Council give as well as take; a staging post for students at a delicate
but creative and imaginative time of their life, where study is
balanced with a sense of community, community service, and
Following the adoption of a new College Constitution in extracurricular engagement.’
December 2015, the year 2016 saw a significant development
in the implementation of the new Council structure, and The balancing of academic life with extracurricular
further work on its Committees and their terms of reference. engagement is not always straightforward, but it remains a
The changes reflect contemporary expectations concerning fundamental goal!
the size and composition of governing bodies.
Ms Margie Richardson
We welcomed Alex Murphy to Council early in 2016. Alex Chair of Council
was Senior Student at JCH in 2006, and retains a great
affection for the College. His mother, Prof Sally Walker (1973)
is a College Fellow. Alex is currently a Senior Associate at
the legal firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth and his skills have
been very valuable, particularly in Council deliberations about
The end of the year witnessed a sad farewell to long-standing
Council member, Prof Doreen Rosenthal. Doreen joined
Council in 1999 and served as Chair of Council from 2011 to
2014. Her expertise in the area of adolescent health and her
concern for students’ wellbeing provided the College with
an invaluable resource. Her contributions included both a
practical focus – reinvigorating a program of refurbishment
of communal bathrooms and commissioning the building Ms Richardson, Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston, Mr Stephen Higgs
Council meets: L/R Mr Stephen Higgs, Mr Tony Wood, Ms Anne Shea, Ms Margie Richardson, Company Secretary Ms Jenny
Smith, Prof Julie Willis, Mr Alex Murphy, Ms Jan McGuinness, Ms Jenny Ross, Mr Paul Turner. Absent: Prof Susan Sawyer
20 LUCE Number 15 2016