Page 19 - Luce 2016
P. 19

S enior  C o mmon  Ro om

            Scientific pursuits               From the

            in Bordeaux                       Director of Studies

            In October 2016 I travelled to Bordeaux,   It is with great pride that I report on our outstanding results and achievements
            France to attend the Cajal Brain Prize   for 2016.
            Course – Hippocampus: From Circuits
            to Cognition. This three-week intensive   The level at which our students seem to balance their various commitments –
            programme for 20 graduate students   studies, part-time work, sport, music and of course social life, essential in the life
            and post-docs focused on hippocampal   of a university student – never ceases to amaze me. Every semester, I see, feel and
            function, a brain region involved in   hear the hum of productivity in our corridors. At any time of the day, the tutorial
            space, time and memory.           rooms seem to be occupied. However, from Monday through to Thursday, the
                                              period between 5pm and 9:30 pm seemed to be the busiest, as we conducted a
            The Cajal course provided me with   weekly tutorial program of over 60 tutorials for a cohort of 96 students.
            a huge amount of both general and
            specialised knowledge in which to better  Whilst our students were thoroughly engaged in a singular pathway of their own,
            situate the context of my own work. The   there exists a shared culture and understanding within our community of academic
            course deepened my knowledge of my   excellence. In 2016, 40% of all of our grades were First Class Honours with 87% of
            own area (spatial cognition in rodents)   all grades at Honours level.
            and broadened my understanding of
            its context by hearing about the human   A supportive and academically engaged community such as JCH does not just
            psychological work which prompted   happen and I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our
            animal experiments and how this rodent   residential and non-residential tutors who take the journey alongside our students.
            work was feeding back to inform soon-  We recruit the highest level of tutors, many of whom are at the top of their field in
            to-be-implemented MRI studies.    research and teaching. We were delighted in 2016 to have an extraordinarily high
                                              number of alumni tutoring at JCH.
            In combination with an occasional
            glass of Bordeaux wine, the course   In addition to our tutorial program, we were pleased to continue with our Thursday
            also served as an excellent scientific-  night forums. These forums, conducted in the comfort of the Senior Common
            network-forming environment. I now   Room, were varied in their content and theme. We are very grateful to the many
            have scientific friends from all across   speakers who gave generously of their time, often speaking with a small cohort
            the US, Europe and Japan, and I have   of students. I would like to acknowledge and thank two of our residential tutors,
            taken the first steps towards establishing   Nadia Mazarakis and Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnson, for their organisation and
            a community of future colleagues and   coordination of these events. These opportunities allowed our students to gain
            collaborators.                    valuable insights into the world of work, volunteering and postgraduate studies,
                                              whilst building valuable connections and contacts for the future.
            Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
                                              Mrs Donna Davies
                                              Director of Studies

            Ariel discovers rustic France     Ms Cadorel, Aunty Di Kerr, Dr Powell, Mrs Davies

                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  19
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