Page 22 - Luce 2016
P. 22

Develop ment

                                 From the

                                 Director of


          In November a special gathering was held to celebrate the
          remarkable voluntary efforts of the Friends of JCH, a group   Vera Moore Trustees Mr Roger Blythman RFD and Mr Ian
          established in 1992. At that time, the College needed to   Morrison with Vera Moore Scholar Ms Annabel Livingstone
          demonstrate its own fundraising initiatives in order to access
          philanthropic grants to assist with urgent building works.  As the Director of Development it is my privilege to join Dr
                                                             Powell in greeting our guests and attending events such as
          Dr Fiona Caro (Macleod 1950) College Fellow who was then   those I have described above; an opportunity to meet some
          Chair of Council, responded to this urgent need by promptly   of the impressive women who have played an important
          setting up the Friends of JCH. Over the ensuing decade this   role, not just in the College’s past, but also in ensuring the
          group of energetic and committed alumnae successfully ran   continuation of its traditions and values through their ongoing
          a major fundraising lunch and dinner every year until it was   engagement with Janet Clarke Hall.
          ‘mission accomplished’ in 2002.
                                                             My role also affords me the opportunity to meet with and
          Fittingly, it was Fiona who welcomed the dozen guests who   interview some of the outstanding young achievers who
          gathered in Henderson House – old friends reunited over   have emerged from JCH over more recent years (pages 4-5).
          happy memories and afternoon tea almost a quarter of a   It is gratifying to hear from Rebecca Duke (2012) and Rob
          century after they first came together as a fundraising group.   Snelling (2014), not just of their affection for the College
          Fiona regaled the gathering with a lively account of the   which is evident in their answers to my questions, but also
          Friends’ activities and adventures, leaving everyone somewhat   of the part the College played in helping guide their personal
          amazed at the extent of their achievements!        development, as well as their studies.

          Honouring a long-held JCH tradition, Dr Powell presented   Thanks to the continuing generosity of individual donors
          each guest with a single rose, thanking them on behalf of   and philanthropic bodies, almost half of our students were
          the College for their wonderful fundraising efforts which,   awarded a scholarship or bursary in 2016, ensuring that the
          he explained, “to a very real extent saved the College from   most promising and deserving students have the opportunity
          closing.”                                          to experience all that the College has to offer, regardless of
                                                             their financial circumstances.
          Earlier in the year a similar spirit of fond nostalgia prevailed
          at a JCH Society afternoon tea, also held in Henderson   This year we were saddened by the passing of JCH Fellow,
          House. Shared memories, in many cases going back well   Dr Olive Mence OAM (Wykes 1940) and were honoured
          over half a century, jostled with accounts of recent travels,   to learn that she had generously remembered the College
          family updates, future plans and insightful questions about the   in her Will, leaving a bequest for the purpose of providing
          College today.                                     scholarships, bursaries or prizes.
                                                             Once again, my involvement with JCH – its alumni and
                                                             friends, its students and its staff – has been a source of
                                                             inspiration to me. It strengthens my resolve to overcome a
                                                             natural reticence and to advocate boldly for the financial
                                                             support that I genuinely believe the College and its students
                                                             deserve. We are a small College and a small alumni
                                                             community. That is our strength. It is also our challenge when
                                                             it comes to building a corpus of funds to assist the College
                                                             and its students today and into the future. Donations and
                                                             bequests – no matter how modest or how large – will always
                                                             be sincerely appreciated and wisely used.

                                                             Ms Shelley Roberts
                                                             Director of Development
          William Angliss Trustee Mr Digby Norris with William Angliss
          Scholar Ms Miranda Williams

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