Page 27 - Luce 2016
P. 27
A l umni News
Our children are at an age where Cheryl
they are leaving home for study and Saunders
adventure. This makes me more aware
that for some rural students, some help Scholarship
is required to enable the wonderful launched
transition to city and university life
that JCH offers. I like reading Luce and In May 2016
giving a little back towards a scholarship the Melbourne
for a rural student. Law School
Grant Hardisty (2014) (whose John launched
Denver renditions were a highlight on Dr Kathy the Cheryl
Valedictory Dinners during his time in Potts (2007), Saunders
College) achieved national recognition Senior Student Scholarship,
in 2016 with his band ‘Tempus Sun’. of the College named for Laureate Professor
Winner of the ‘Listen Up: Top Ten in 2010, is Emeritus Cheryl Saunders AO (1962),
Australia’ competition, their song moving from in recognition of her outstanding
‘Owls’ also took out first place in the her current achievements as a legal scholar,
Melbourne Music Bank’s Competition role as a teacher and institution builder.
and were finalists in ‘Triple J Unearthed’. researcher at
the Walter
Terri Allen (1983) and Eliza Professor Saunders, a JCH Fellow and
alumna, was the first female professor
After leaving University with my Hall Institute at the Melbourne Law School and an
veterinary degree I worked in cattle of Medical
practices and country practices in Research to inspiration for other aspiring female
Gippsland, Wales and England. I take up a academics. The Scholarship celebrates
travelled a bit and then came back home post-doctoral her important contributions to legal
to Gippsland. We Gippslanders know position at the Albert Einstein College of education and constitutional law.
that this is a very good corner of the Medicine in New York City.
world to come home to! The Cheryl Saunders Scholarship
fund will be used to support students
I loved my years at JCH. Coming from Helen Garner wins enrolled at Melbourne Law School
a small country school, with little idea Windham-Campbell Prize who have demonstrated both academic
of city or university life, JCH was a safe merit and financial need.
spot for me to land. I loved the sport, the Speaking at the launch, Professor
camaraderie, the new friends and the JCH Fellow and celebrated writer, Saunders said, ‘My hope is that these
fun. Mostly the friends and fun! Dr Helen Garner (1961), has won scholarships will enable an increasingly
numerous awards in the course of her diverse range of talented people with
My life as a country vet has been distinguished career. an interest in law to experience the
varied – challenging in all sorts of ways high quality of legal education that
but rewarding. My husband and I have It seems the most recent award, the Melbourne Law School offers.’
combined two vet lives with three kids Windham-Campbell Prize, came as a
so we’ve needed to be adaptable. I have complete surprise. Dr Garner had not Prof Ruth Fincher AM (1969) has been
worked on farms, in Government, small heard of the prize and, receiving an honoured as one of the University
animal practice, our own small business email notifying her of her success in of Melbourne’s most distinguished
and have always considered being a early 2016, needed to check with her figures through a plaque on Professor’s
mum and enjoying life in Gippsland to publisher to see if it was genuine.
be a pretty important job. Walk. She joined alumna and College
Fellow Dr Fay Marles AM (Pearce
Established in 2013 as a gift from the late 1944) among
novelist Donald Windham in memory the 2016
of his partner, Sandy M. Campbell, the recipients,
prize is awarded for a non-fiction body as awarded
of work and carries with it prize money for ‘an
of $US150,000 ($A207,000)! outstanding
Administered by Yale University, the and enduring
prize has no submission process, is contribution
judged anonymously and recognises to the
writers from around the world who write University and
in English. its scholarly
Helen Garner’s body of non-fiction work
published across four decades includes
The First Stone (1995), Joe Cinque’s
Consolation (2004) and This House of
Grief (2014).
J anet Clarke Hall 27