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Mollie Campbell-Smith AM MBE (1936) Elizabeth (Anne) Nicholls (Troup 1945)
1917- 7 July 2015 14 June 1926 – 10 October 2015
Mollie attended Methodist Ladies Anne was resident at JCH in order to finish a BSc in
College in Launceston where she was microbiology which she had commenced at the University of
school captain, school dux and captain WA. Her late secondary schooling had been much disrupted
of the hockey, tennis and cricket teams. by the war – the family home in Perth was commandeered by
She studied Science at Melbourne the US Navy, and she was twice evacuated from her school
University, residing at JCH. She to the country for extended periods of time when invasion by
represented the University, Victoria and the Japanese seemed imminent.
Australia at hockey.
Following graduation from Melbourne University and prior to
Mollie married in 1942 and had five her marriage, Anne worked as a hospital scientist in Perth and
children. She taught science at Methodist Ladies’ College (now London. When the youngest of her four children reached
Scotch Oakburn College) from 1955 until 1986 and provided school age she returned to the workforce as a teacher of
educational leadership – pioneering the development of the science and subsequently the new subject of human biology
Interpersonal Relationships curriculum in Tasmanian schools. at Loreto convent school in Perth, where she remained for 20
years, and where she developed a great respect for the nuns
In her retirement Mollie served on more than 35 organisations, of the Loreto order.
pursuing a wide range of interests including women’s
rights, mental health and parenting issues. She maintained Widowed at the age of 52, Anne pursued many interests after
a significant voluntary workload and leadership roles as the retirement at 60, including travel, Tai Chi, bridge, swimming,
President of the National Council of Women, Vice President reading and music, but as her health deteriorated in her
of the Tasmanian Richmond Fellowship and Chair of New late eighties she had progressively to relinquish all but her
Pin (New Parent Infant Network). She also served as State extensive reading. She spoke of her time at JCH with affection
Commissioner of the Girl Guides (1983-88) and President of (her family all knew about the Trinity cows!), and kept in
the Australian Federation of University Women (1988-91). touch with several of the friends she made there for the rest
Mollie’s lifetime of outstanding community service saw of her life.
her receive a Member of the Order of the British Empire in
1986 for services to education and the community and a
Member of the Order of Australia in 2008 for services to the
In 2000 she was Launceston City Council’s Citizen of the
Year. In 2005 she was inducted into the Tasmanian Honour
Roll of Women, and in 2013 she was awarded a Rotary Paul
Harris Fellow.
The College acknowledges, in sympathy, those deceased alumni of whom it has become aware since the
previous edition. Together with the accompanying obituaries, the College has also learned of the following
deaths in our community.
We extend our sympathy to the families of these JCH alumnae:
Jean Barbara Sloss (Proud 1941) Merial Carr Morton (Clark 1939)
1919 – 2014 1921 – 2016
Marion Orme Page (McPherson 1936) Roberta (Bobbie) Mary Cobbold Taylor (Cain 1946)
1918 – 2015 1924 – 2016
Jane Fordyce (1968) Doreen Williams (Dear 1944)
1949 – 2016 1926 – 2016
Yvonne Hurley (Gallagher 1948)
1929 – 2016
J anet Clarke Hall 29