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Gifts a nd Bequests

          Donations and Scholarships                         The funds provided by donors   M Buesst Scholar
                                                             allowed the following College   Rose Chaffey
          The College is deeply grateful to the following philanthropic   scholarships to be awarded in
          bodies for their support of scholarships in 2016:  2016:                    N McDougall Scholar
                                                                                      Elaine Coomber
                                                             Janet, Lady Clarke Scholar
          The Compass Group (Chartwells)                     Annabel Livingstone
          The May Dunn Trust                                                          Sarah Stock Scholars
          The Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne Foundation         Chair of Council’s Scholar  Celine Lau
          The Trust Company Limited                          Peter Robertson          Conna Speelman
          The Vera Moore Foundation
          The William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable Fund     Principal’s Scholar      AF Bage Scholar
          The Reid Malley Foundation                         Scott Santarossa         Hamish Clark
          The family of Cecily Faith Statham
          An anonymous Trust                                 May Dunn Scholars        G Maudsley Scholar
                                                             Shani Brampton           Alyse Faith
                                                             Kelsey Hayes
          The College is deeply grateful to alumni and friends for their              Janet Clarke Hall Scholar
          donations to the College in 2016. It acknowledges donations  William Angliss Scholars   Sakina Normanbhoy
          received from:                                     Sophie Wallace
          Dr Sally Adams           Dr Heather McKenzie       Miranda Williams         FC Stainbridge Scholar
          Miss Wendy Addis         Mrs Elizabeth Meredith                             Olympia Sarris
          Ms Julie Ager            Mrs Susan Morgan          Scolarest Scholars
          Dr Terri Allen           Dr Heather Munro AO       Shaveen Gammage          Constance Tisdall
          Mrs Jocelyn Allen        Prof Robert Nicol         William Ross             Memorial Scholar
          Dr Valerie Asche AM      Mrs Elizabeth Oliver                               Alexandra McClintock
          The Hon Rosemary Balmford AM  Dr Beverley Peers    First in Family Scholars
          Ms Jan Barnard           Dr Mary Playford          Alison Fane              B McKenzie Scholar
          Ms Patricia Bradbury     Ms Victoria Ponsford      Sarina Holmlund          Joshua Looi
          Mrs Glenda Bowen-Pain AM  Prof Clare Pullar        Thomas Skinner
          Dr Fiona Caro            Ms Alice Pung                                      L Lewis Scholar
          Dr Catherine Cherry      Dr Joanna Pyper           Janet Reid (Malley) Scholars  Thiashya Jayasekera
          Mrs Diana Cherry         Mrs Judith Reindl         Ruby Jacobs
          Mr Darryl Coote          Mrs Diana Renard          Emma Morrison            GM Turner Scholar
          Ms Meredith Creightmore  Ms Margaret Richardson                             Joshua Healey
          Mrs Jo Dawson            Mrs Felicity Rigby        Kenneth Moore Memorial
          Mrs Hilary Day           Ms Shelley Roberts        Music Scholar            A M White Scholars
          Mrs Jaan Enden           Prof Doreen Rosenthal AO  Toni Meehan              Ahmad Hamad
          Ms Astrid Engels         Ms Jennifer Ross                                   Faye Su
          Mrs Floranne Everson     Mrs Sally Salter          Vera Moore Scholars
          Dr Barbara Fary OAM      Prof Susan Sawyer         Courtney Brown           Janet Clarke Hall
          Prof Ruth Fincher AM     Mrs Elizabeth Sevior      Rachael Chaffey          Entrance Scholars
          Ms Julie Goode           Mrs Angela Speagle        Han-Mari Cronje          Haris Goodes
          Mrs Amanda Gordon        The Rt Rev’d Andrew St John   Harshini Goonetilleke  Alyssa Moohin
          Mrs Judith Gregory       Dr John Swain             Laura Hitchman           Fergus Stafford
          Mrs Angela Grutzner      Mrs Susan Sypkens         Joshua Hooke             Matilda Stevenson
          Mr Hugh Gundlach         Mrs Roberta Taylor        Ryan Kennedy             Marian Yukawa
          Mrs Alexandra Hamilton   Mrs Helen Todd            Annabel Livingstone
          Mrs Leonie Hehir         Mrs Mary Townsend         Molly Love               Enid Joske Centenary Scholar
          Dr Margaret Henderson OBE  Mrs Caroline Vaillant   Madeleine McRae          Mr Xavier Cadorel
          Mr Stephen Higgs         Prof Sally Walker AM      Angus Paterson
          Mr William Jobling       Mrs Barbara Ward-Ambler   Alexandra Teuben         Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne
          Mrs Elizabeth Kennedy    Ms Pera Wells                                      Artist-in-Residence
          Dr Julia Lai-Kwon        Mrs Christine Wilson      Phyllis Fry Scholar      Ms Alice Pung
          Mrs Harriet Lester       Mrs Ruth Wilson           Madeleine Spencer
          Mrs Penelope Lewisohn    The Estate of the                                  Kenneth Moore Memorial
          Mrs Barbara Linsten      Late Dr Eva Eden AM       Janet Clarke Hall        Music Scholar
          Dr Gail Littlejohn       The Estate of the         Society Scholars         Dr Anna Goldsworthy
          Mrs Helen Lloyd          Late Jennifer Smithers    Mara Quach
          Mrs Jill Loton  †        Anonymous donors          Sasha Greenaway          Anonymous bursary recipients
          Dr Katherine Lubbe                                                          (College bursaries are kept
          Dr Margaret Lush         Bequests generously       Yvonne Aitken Scholar    confidential to the College, the
          Ms Jennifer Martin       promised by:              Tabitha Yeoh             donor and the recipient).
          Mrs Fiona Maslen         Ms Julie Ager
          Dr Ellen Maxwell         Mr Hugh Gundlach          Betty Elliott Scholar    The College has endeavoured
          Mrs Meg McConaghy        Mrs Susan Morgan          Manon Peters             to report accurately on all
          Mrs Jennifer McCormick   Ms Margaret Richardson                             donations and apologises for any
          Ms Jill McFarlane        Anonymous testators       AR Grice Scholar         errors or omissions in this list.
                                                             Beth Hobern
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