Page 31 - Luce 2016
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Janet Clarke Hall The University of Melbourne 2016
President of Janet Clarke Hall The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier COLLEGE STAFF
Principal Dr Damian Powell
College Visitor Prof Peter Doherty AC Vice-Principal Ms Fiona Cadorel
Director of Studies Mrs Donna Davies
Fellows Dr Valerie Asche AM Bursar Ms Jennifer Smith
Hon Rosemary Balmford AM Director of Development Ms Shelley Roberts
Prof Elizabeth Blackburn AC Office Manager Ms Carolyn Stewart
Dr Fiona Caro Bookkeeper Ms Mari Nicholls
Prof Adrienne Clarke AC Facilities Manager Mr Bruce Stewart
Mrs Jaan Enden IT Coordinator Mr Mak Klammer
Dr Helen Garner Librarian Dr Julia Ulyannikova
Dr Margaret Henderson OBE Ms Jennifer Martin
Prof Mary Hiscock Internship Archives Assistant Ms Stephanie James
Dame Leonie Kramer AC DBE †
Mrs Penelope Lewisohn
Dr Lynne McArthur Reid RESIDENT TUTORS Mr Xavier Cadorel
Dr Fay Marles AM Ms Julia Hastings
Dr Olive Mence OAM † Mr Brian Kennedy
Prof Cheryl Saunders AO Dr Richard Liu
Prof Gillian Triggs Ms Nadia Mazarakis
Prof Sally Walker AM Ms Shan Windscript
Prof Judith Whitworth AC Mr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
COUNCIL Music Scholar Dr Anna Goldsworthy
Chair of Council Ms Margaret Richardson
Deputy Chair Ms Jan McGuinness Artist-In-Residence Ms Alice Pung
Chair of Finance & Mr Anthony Wood
Mr Stephen Higgs President Ms Shani Brampton
Mr Alex Murphy Vice-President Ms Kelsey Hayes
Dr Damian Powell Secretary Ms Olympia Sarris
Prof Doreen Rosenthal AO Treasurer Mr Oliver Price
Ms Jennifer Ross General Representative Ms Shaan Hayes
Prof Susan Sawyer Arts and Cultural Representative Mr Will Ross
Ms Anne Shea Sports Representative Ms Ruby Jacobs
Ms Jane Tribe Sports Representative Mr Tom Skinner
Mr Paul Turner
Prof Julie Willis
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J anet Clarke Hall